Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-03-24 22:39:25

Are u a winner or a whinger..?

Is it a normal progression.

A progression necessary, the changes that take place in ones life when one becomes materialistically stronger.
Does this progression with the bettering of ones personal financial well-being, also bring with it a change to ones social circle, ones behaviour , a total character overhaul?
Does materialistic wealth all of a sudden give birth to another person residing within oneself.

in the past, that need, that urgency to earn, because one does not know where tomorrows earnings may be coming from, time being of such importance, spent in concern for the well-being of self and ones loved ones, festering in ones mind, eradicating any hope of relaxation.
And then, friends and company kept, mellow and philosophising about the economics, interest rates and politics more prevalent in the social circles when the bank balance be strong and not in the red.
Is it right to judge and begrudge those of wealthy standing, labelling them hoity-toity and full of airs and graces.
Does wealth earned not require a respectful behaviour , serene, assured.
But, then, if pockets are not deep, why would hooliganism and such behaviour be OK? Why would the same fineties of character not apply? Would one then be labelled a pretentious ass only because the same amount of money is not available? Is the doggy eat doggy mindset then prevalent, survival of the fittest , fineties of character means weak of character?

What is it about money that not only gives us status but, brings out another side to us. What is it about money that all of a sudden makes us associate with people different looking down on others that used to be worthy of our company ... discretely avoided.

Could it be that through hard work and application and association to another level of success, one does not care to burden oneself with petty chat that centres on the failures of systems and blames them for ones own stagnation...chirping about society and politics challenging and unfair.
Rather, being concentrated on growth, educating oneself, not only in a formal way but through association with anything dynamic, positive and forward thinking would be the main agenda and draw card for those who have managed to reach a status different and above others.

Must be that many of us were not born to reach anything more than mediocrity and rather wallow in our own challenges, chosen or not.
A very cynical outlook even though i am a pragmatic romantic, an optimistic realist...the more i look out at society ...the more I understand why i cannot allow others to get lost in the milieu of nonsensical rubbish, for if i can do it, then there is a great probability many many others can too for, i am nothing just takes knowing how...and importantly that consistent faith and belief , application and dedication and desire to learn and be led and taught by those that know...experience cannot be bought.

Money does not buy character or that x-factor or make a is a winner, no matter ones beginnings, that makes successful prosperous inroads and deservedly gains respect and a status envied by others.

So how do u see yourself..?

Arizona - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2022-03-24 23:20:52

[QUOTE;3514680;Russian Bridgitte] Are u a winner or a whinger..?

Is it a normal progression.

A progression necessary, the changes that take place in ones life when one becomes materialistically stronger.
Does this progression with the bettering of ones personal financial well-being, also bring with it a change to ones social circle, ones behaviour , a total character overhaul?
Does materialistic wealth all of a sudden give birth to another person residing within oneself.

in the past, that need, that urgency to earn, because one does not know where tomorrows earnings may be coming from, time being of such importance, spent in concern for the well-being of self and ones loved ones, festering in ones mind, eradicating any hope of relaxation.
And then, friends and company kept, mellow and philosophising about the economics, interest rates and politics more prevalent in the social circles when the bank balance be strong and not in the red.
Is it right to judge and begrudge those of wealthy standing, labelling them hoity-toity and full of airs and graces.
Does wealth earned not require a respectful behaviour , serene, assured.
But, then, if pockets are not deep, why would hooliganism and such behaviour be OK? Why would the same fineties of character not apply? Would one then be labelled a pretentious ass only because the same amount of money is not available? Is the doggy eat doggy mindset then prevalent, survival of the fittest , fineties of character means weak of character?

What is it about money that not only gives us status but, brings out another side to us. What is it about money that all of a sudden makes us associate with people different looking down on others that used to be worthy of our company ... discretely avoided.

Could it be that through hard work and application and association to another level of success, one does not care to burden oneself with petty chat that centres on the failures of systems and blames them for ones own stagnation...chirping about society and politics challenging and unfair.
Rather, being concentrated on growth, educating oneself, not only in a formal way but through association with anything dynamic, positive and forward thinking would be the main agenda and draw card for those who have managed to reach a status different and above others.

Must be that many of us were not born to reach anything more than mediocrity and rather wallow in our own challenges, chosen or not.
A very cynical outlook even though i am a pragmatic romantic, an optimistic realist...the more i look out at society ...the more I understand why i cannot allow others to get lost in the milieu of nonsensical rubbish, for if i can do it, then there is a great probability many many others can too for, i am nothing just takes knowing how...and importantly that consistent faith and belief , application and dedication and desire to learn and be led and taught by those that know...experience cannot be bought.

Money does not buy character or that x-factor or make a is a winner, no matter ones beginnings, that makes successful prosperous inroads and deservedly gains respect and a status envied by others.

So how do u see yourself..?


Love your writings RB. I am a fan. Although I have taken a leave of abscence from commenting on the forum over the last few years. I do still read it. Thank you for your wise constructive words.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-03-25 06:20:24
Edited: 2022-03-25 06:21:19

Most Dear Arizona

There are those times when the words "THANK YOU" fall very very short and do not express the depth of what they are supposed to represent.

This is one of those cases in time.

May i say....



Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-04-03 09:59:34

To philosophise is to speculate or theorise...?

If the definition to philosophise is to speculate or theorise, usually in an imprecise manner, and ethics being a branch of philosophy, what does it say about ethics?

So ethics deals with good and bad, right and wrong and moulds our personal world through the choices we make.
Are we less moral when dabbling in the grey areas that clearly do not fit in the "right" box but, may not necessarily be bad?
And then choosing that which may be bad but, one can get away with ?

Do cultural and religious influences play a role in the choices we make?
Would we be more lost if we dabbled in all presented and tempting at any point in time, without a care or consideration of the repercussion or ripple effect of our choices made?

When one is aware that a choice made may have a negative effect on others and oneself, then we tend to put contingency plans into place to minimise the risk of being found out.
A vicious circle.
A guilty conscience sometimes played out in a scenario where an innocent party is used as a scapegoat, a punching bag, the recipient of verbal abuse and false accusations.

Religion pits human against human. Politics plays its dirty agenda through mass propaganda.

Humans lap it up. Thirsty for something to believe in. Be led. Be told.

Aligning themselves to that which they deem fit.

The "Garden of Eden" had to fall.

Did it ever exist? Or is it the ultimate realisation that we humans crave for, yet will never reach? Craving and destroying all in ones way in search of it?
Are Saints a myth? Or born to be stoned by those suffering from a guilty conscience...

We just do not know how.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-04-05 08:36:10

Written Jaunary 2017 and still holds true

What's in a name

How important it is to be on ones best behaviour at all times.

How important it is to be true to oneself and who one may be.

When one lives a lie through ones spoken word, through ones presentation of self...the probabilities of being caught out are ever in a constant grip of hesitant breathing, waiting for the axe to fall.

If one chooses to occupy a space derogatory, a space questioned and shunned by society, maybe for no other reason but, simply, because one fears the unknown, then would it not be right to educate and prove how wrong those are, that are looking in.
Being defined by hearsay, falling in the trap of adhering to that hearsay, and thus giving it credibility, is usually the trait of those who question their own self on various levels.

Not all are born under the same stars...some luckier than others, more fortunate at what may be at their disposal. Good fortune bestowed on them without much effort. But, that should not be a valid excuse for the rest of us, who do have to work hard at maintaining a life credible, a life fulfilling, to resort to questionable means tarnishing oneself beyond a 'come back'.

One may ask oneself....then what would be beyond a 'come back', beyond repair? beyond salvaging ones name. ....apart from the obvious henious crimes toward humanity and any other living creature.

Could it be something as simple as a lie, being a bully, deceit, support of those that lead to the degeneration of peace...? what would it be?

Does society know what morals and scruples are, or have they changed simply because we have moved the boundaries on so many things that it doesn't matter how one behaves anymore.
....whats in a name anyway...?


.....everything that one may be....thus cherish and look after it like the unique diamond it matter the space one may occupy...even if considered derogatory / taboo by society.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-04-10 00:24:31

Always good to be reminded and keep check thus, once again

The grace to be humble

to have the grace to be humble
and not worry about ones ego taking a tumble
when one has overstepped the line
in silence ones arrogance to confine
the ability to stand firm though
and to the rest of the world show
being humble does not mean weak
but rather of maturity and wisdom it does speak.

the world has become loud, crass and vile
on each other atrocities does pile
the 'me' featuring asthmatically
forcing itself in all situations unethically
the vulgarity of self, defined in possessions
hungering festering narcissistic monetary obsessions
be there anything humane in our behaviour
by those boorish bullies it be considered a personal failure. do u yourself define
do you consider your character and personality prime
would u know when to step back and when to feature
in a situation bad try be the teacher.


would u for cover run
because the bullies have stolen the sun
and taken centre stage
all to engage
in atrocious oration
obvious be their vocation
good to destroy
propaganda their ploy
in silence to shut
the throat to gut
of anything worthy

oh.. have the grace to be humble
and not worry about ones ego taking a tumble...

Gretchen - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2022-04-10 13:39:49

While society is changing, us WG's are years away from being judged by hypocrites. Imagine how problematic it is for us to get a lease for a flat. Righhhtttt? Saying you're an Escort by profession, somehow doesn't bade well. Let's forget the fact that not all of us are addicts, that we operate discreetly, and will keep a place spotlessly clean. I'm fiercely private, quiet and respectful. I sure make enough to pay rent..... Imagine having to get a loan? Rigggghhhttt? Similar scenario. I'm not ashamed of what I do, but somehow that doesn't go well when people ask what you do for a living and you tell them. One can see the shock and horror in their eyes. Don't judge me before you walked a mile in my shoes. Anyone who takes the time to befriend me, knows that what I do is not who I am. My job does not define me. By the time I was 22 I've lost both my parents, and was left alone in this world, fending for myself. There was no chance of a normal life after that. The hypocrites most likely still have a parent, spend their lives having a security blanket. Nice black and white life. Well, here's a shocker, it's rainbow colours mate, but if you can't see it, your loss. PLUR - Peace, love, unity and respect. Nor do I judge others. The guy that lives on the street, why would I judge him? Did I walk in his shoes? Do I know what got him there? At the end of the day, it cost nothing to be kind.
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-04-11 22:52:55

Dearest Gretchen

First, thank u for your contribution on the thread.

I feel u. I hear u and i know u! does not matter how many degrees u may have under your belt.

It does not matter how professional or consistent or dedicated u may be to your choices, ever careful to not fall into the trap of giving way to an addiction or associating with "unsavoury" characters, consistent and diligent in what u offer.

It does not matter that u have your own character and personality and that u have your own life and ways outside your job just like an accountant or engineer or cashier or secretary would.

It does not matter that your home may be more peaceful and orderly than most homes and that u opt for privacy and can be trusted.

All of that is swept away with one fell swoop...u are a woman who "sells her body" to men.

The idea is that u represent 'sex' in all its different forms and 'sex' has no brains, no morals, no lasting depth except tits, ass, legs and pussy....nice if it comes with personality girlie and sexy or porn starishly - sexual solicitation

Will society ever be ready for this "sinful" choice of "profession" even if legalised?

I do not think so and i shall tell u why...

I have posted about my road into this sexsensual space and admitted the horror at being told by my best house-friend, an ex sensual masseuse ( of which i had no idea she had been) , to consider becoming a sensual masseuse.
I thought it an insult and a failure on my side. Me??? With my degrees and homes and cars and fancy clothes and and and..AND CHILDREN!!!...the hypocrisy of the whole thing considering what i studied for. Me. Professing to understand the human psyche.

I got to find out exactly that which u have ended your post with

"....Nice black and white life. Well, here's a shocker, it's rainbow colours mate, but if you can't see it, your loss. PLUR - Peace, love, unity and respect."

I say again.

The most courageous of women occupy this space with hearts of gold and dreams most big. Business savvy and em paths of note. Of course there is the other side too but, then again, there is "the other side" in all professions.

Sadly they will never receive the recognition they duly deserve.

And thus to find peace with self and forget about the hypocrisy of people like the "me" that i used to be...knowing nothing about what this is all about yet, opinionated and judgemental.

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-05-05 09:43:33

...are we doomed?

when a television screen an image shows
everything i stand for against it goes
first the shock reverberates
and then other emotions it agitates.

in shame i think

is that how an intelligent species behaves
consistently at civilisation with atrocities shaves
let us kill that bitch of a human, who cares why
hang that bastard for being different, just because its fly.

how proudly we bare arms
in the name of another's qualms
standing steadfast behind our nationalism
the news the maiming of another society, sensationalism.
a child buried under the rubble a mother cries
the actions of world powers all logic belies
so to end one war another is needed
and thus the guarantee of world peace deleted.

how fucked up we are as a global society
in all we do the death of charity and piety
do we know who we are anymore
for the annihilation of ourselves is the only thing sure.

.....are we doomed...?

Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
Re: The vileness of hypocrisy
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2022-05-16 17:37:27
Edited: 2022-05-16 17:38:20

It is painful reading the agony of another persons reality yet, at the same time trying to put it into context if possible.

When one feels cheated and betrayed, there is very little one can say to make it right.

This was someone's misery in 2017. I always wonder what happened.


November 28, 2017


Bare with me...a write inspired by much discussion taken place around sensuality and partnerships.

Finding oneself in a space sensual, where emotions run high and the intimate self is laid bare, in more ways than one, it takes a huge amount of courage and understanding and acceptance of self to let go and take a leap of faith , believing that something good can be gained from such an exploit.

Before i continue, i would like to stress that, i, in no way, condone or promote any form of promiscuity but, matters sexual and sensual know to lead to unnecessary misunderstanding and breakdown in relations that could have been sorted if acknowledged and addressed....and thus my meandering post.

Recently, having had a conversation / debate with a gentleman, and then, being contacted by a stressed lady with respect to what she thinks is happening in her home, the duality of addressing sensuality and saying it is ok, i know will raise a few hairs on the backs of some people. But, possessing the maturity of emotion and logic, (quite an anomaly for logic tends to be without emotion) is needed in matters when it comes to intimate relations...and in most cases an outsider is able to do that rather than the parties involved in the crisis.

There we were indulging in each others good company when conversation took on a serious note.
It revolved around sensuality and the need to acknowledge and understand the sensual and sexual needs of partners.
Due to the conversation being held with a gentleman, his comment was interesting as to the benefits of 'training' a new bride in the arts of intimate relations between husband and wife. A sort of 'school' where she would be taught how to please her man .
Of course...i had to ask him...that in return she would be pleased by her teacher?...for in order to reach that ultimate satisfaction and sweet spot, where both lovers are satiated and satisfied and understand each other..... it is a two way stream, is it not?.....and thus becoming a 'tarnished' new bride to be...?...acceptable?
My other question was based on how a potential bride is viewed and what is it that men, (many may not admit to it) look for in their potential wives and mothers-to-be of their children.
Derogatory words i shall use but, i am sure it is not a 'slutty' type of girl that admits to having enjoyed sucking cock and sleeping with a number of men and knowing to swing from chandeliers and taking it from behind doggy style screaming 'Ride me baby! Fuck me harder!"
This kind of girl is the epitome of a porn fantasy many men would love to indulge in but, prefer to keep it a fantasy and not bring it home.
And before anybody thinks i am judging such behaviour and classifying it as unacceptable...if that is what u do with your partner / lover / husband...mutually agreed upon and enjoyed in private...well, heck why not!!

It is not to say that wives and those that are mothers do not know to be 'slutty' and drive their other half up the wall, with their seductive sensuality but, somewhere along the line she may have lost herself in the role of being everything else than that which she could be, feeling less attractive and belief of what a decent good wife is all about, all of a sudden takes on a different look.
There may be that belief that being 'slutty' is religiously unacceptable, will make her other half think less of her and thus viewing herself above such 'unacceptable' and 'lowly' behaviour.

I find it strange and don't understand nor accept that something as beautiful as lovemaking and the possible discovery of each others bodies, in various ways, is viewed as sinful and lowly and that the Almighty would frown upon it and curse those that indulge.
But, i do understand that as humans, preconceived ideas and societies viewpoints, that anyway are so fucked and confused and change from day in and out, tend to carry sway and know to influence, even the strongest of mind and belief, leading to unhappy situations in the home and behaviour questionable and hurtful.

And now to the call from a lady who was clearly stressed and concerned about what she thought were the dabbling of her husband in lurid lustful desires.
Again, i am not saying there are not those that do not indulge in the unacceptable, but knowing the environment on offer for such an indulgence, it is sad that the first thought of her partner would be that he is weak of character and easily turned to lustful wanton escapades.

There is no one answer as to why the need to consider and indulge in matters intimate, out of ones home, for each home has its own dynamics and issues .

Is it weakness of character? Is it lack of intimacy? Is it a comfortable routine confusing it for satisfaction and happiness? A drifting apart yet accepting of each other?
The answer lies in being truthful with oneself and including the other half...wife or to one state of dissatisfaction.

I know, easier said than done.

I am a great promoter and advocate sensuality , erotica and all those wonderful human intimacies The Almighty has blessed us with.
For those who find it difficult to understand my unapologetic acknowledgement, maybe it be time to re-assess your understanding of what it means to be human, and learn to start living.....unapologetic and without judgement...with your partner of choice.

and in closing...contradictory it may be viewed as....

The question being....when we are with someone...are we looking for a 'sole' mate or a 'soul' both cases...are the possibilities for those idealistic of thought and wanting to look at the world through rose tinted glasses?
Am i saying it cant happen?
Not at all.
The right place at the right time is what it takes.
And for those who live happily in an unknown naive state of mind...why not...what counts is that it is your reality and of nobody else.
Many a time certain things are best left knows to reap its rewards later in ones life.
The choice is yours...what u seek u will find....and once u find it...if it makes u unhappy, ask yourself why and don't project blame onto the world, but take the bull by the horns and sort it out...if u happy...blessed be your state of mind!!!

Now ride the crest of erotic sensuality and smile at the image of your satisfied being. There will be those who love u dearly and will smile with u and ride the same crest.



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