[deleted] - The Fish
The Fish
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-02-21 19:06:06
Edited: 2016-02-21 19:16:21

A work of fiction :

Walking past some perishable products the other day in Checkers. Saw an ad that stated that they have some perishables that is nearing the expiration date or end of shelf life (as we know it) and that is now selling at vastly reduced prices. Meaning you gotta buy now and start eating on the way home. Because the shelf life is over. And one of the products was : a fish. Yes a fish. Beautiful specimen I might add. Don't know what kind of fish, I was never interested in the swimming type of fish.

Got me thinking. As my dad always said, Son, you should not think too much. It is dangerous for you. So, risking life and limb with this post.

Want to use the fish analogy and the fish's shelf life or expiration date as an analogy to : prostitutes. But that is such a crass word. Let's use the word "WMG" in the place of prostitute. (for those with little or no brains, Working Girl, Massage Girl)

Fishy is swimming in the sea when she is young. Looking for a suitable husband fish, cause she was brought up with principles. She only once had unprotected sex with her father's brother, and that was just because she a few drinks too much.

WMG grew up as the apple of her parents' eyes. Sang in the choir, played netball, the allround average everyday student. Had a boyfriend or a few, but wanted to keep her virginity until her wedding night. Till that one night at Sally's party, when Harry got drunk and stared flirting with her, ending up in having akward sex and Harry puking all over WMG. Luckily Harry was so pissed that he could not remember anything.

Fishy thought that she would be able to go to varsity after school, but Dad made a horrible decision and lost all his money. Could not even co-sign a student loan. But then I did not get such good marks either. And I wasn't sure what I wanted to do ?

WMG, as a result of the party and the fact that Harry's friends saw her climbing out of the car still pulling her bra straight, suddenly became very popular. The first team jocks wanted to go out with her, and soon, all too soon, WMG became an expert at supplying oral satisfaction while receiving a finger licking good fingering. School work deteriorated, Dad started drinking, Mom hardly got out of bed.

The one day, while out dining, this yummy worm came from nowhere. Mum always said never to put a strange worm in my mouth, but this one was so so succulent that I just had to wrap my lips around this worm. This worm was a little too big for my mouth, but like a trooper I opened my throat and took the worm deep. As I started gagging on the worm, a metal hook slammed into my mouth, and I was pulled to the surface of the sea and thrown into a casket with some other fishes, all choking on the worms. That was my last conscious thought as I was prepared for the next part of my journey : the transformation from a sweet innocent little fishy, to a fish adorned in make-up, packaged, shipped to the shops, displyed on the shelfs, ready for consumption.

School ended, and of course I had to go to Plet with everyone. Had no money, but sucked a few dicks to get a lift. There it was easy. Smile at the drunkest fool, and let him pay for drinks. Let him touch your boob now and again, and sometimes just casually stroke his dick. After Plet, got home with a massive babelaas, and to top it all, Dad wanted to know why I got no matriculation exemption. So no varsity. You will have to go and work. But where ? and what ? I am too good to be a waiter or a receptionist. I was born to be wild and free and to rule the world. I was ready, just like fishy, to be packaged and displayed on a shelf.

Fishy was just an ordinary fishy, not like a Koi with lips made for sucking, or a yellowtail with the nice yellow ass. So, fishy was never going to be the nicest fishy on the shelf. Which provided a dilemma. What to ask for fishy. The age old question. How much can I ask so that someone is willing to buy me at that price. Fishy tried desperately to explain that she is a special fishy, with very little sexual experience, surely that must count for something ? Alas, market forces demanded that she be priced alongside the other ordinary fishys. So, she ended up on the shelf. Displayed in her nudity, for all to see and feel and look at.

Then a thought hit me. Why don't I venture into something that I am good at ? Boys like me, I already got lifts and drinks just to be nice to them. A few blowjobs and some touching my boobs, and if I play my cards right, i can earn some decent money, but just for a while, cause I am not a prostitute. Also needed money for siggies and wine. Checked out the ESA site, which through Google is quite easy. Wow, looks easy enough. Will join a venue first for a few months, and then move along. Walked into the venue. I am special, so my price should be more. OH fuck, I actually have to first display myself ? Am I a fucking fish on the shelf ? And my price is not so much. Pretty much what everyone else is getting. And the fucking madam taking 60%. Fucking bitch.

Fishy felt very exposed on the shelf. The lights were harsh, the criticism from the buyers derogatory. She could feel herself go limp as time went by. Thankfully, after a few weeks on the shelf, they moved fishy to a casket together with some other fishys. Luckily fishy was underneath some other fishies, so the glare of the lights was not so bad. But then she heard the ominous tones of a buyer : these fishys are nearing the end of their working days. We need to buy them now and braai them tonight. Luckily they are now selling at half price.

WMG obviously did not just stay for a few months. Months became years, and the toll that had to be paid in order to be fresh and in demand on the shelf started taking it's toll. The drugs and Alcohol did not help either. Neither the fact that WMG had to start doing more and more just to retain punters to look at her. OWO, CIM, anal and all the other kak that the punters came with had to be endured. And then the final insult. Some doos on ESA wrote that I was getting long in the tooth. And that there are fresher fishys on the shelf, nicer looking. And that if I wanted to have any sort of income, I had to start lowering my prices. Why, because the end of my shelf life was getting close.
So, half price specials.

At some point all fishys friends in the half price casket left her. She was the only one left. So alone and frightened. What did she do to deserve it. Her flesh was limp, he face haggard, and she even started to smell a little fishy. She tried to stop the smelling, but all the baby powder in the world was not enough to combat that smell. And then that dreadful day....

Even the half price was now no longer enough. The rent was behind for 6 months, and the pusher was getting impatient. Mum and Dad no longer taking my calls, my fucking sister condescending as always. And then that dreadful day : The phone stopped ringing.

The end of days.

Doubleslappedass - Re: The Fish
Re: The Fish
Basic Member
1 Jul 2015
Posts to Date: 314
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Posted: 2016-02-21 19:15:10

Wtf did i just read?? A wg called Piet? 20 minutes I won't be getting back of my life..
[deleted] - Re: The Fish
Re: The Fish
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-02-21 19:23:10
Edited: 2016-02-21 20:04:32

Thanks Double.

WG called Piet ? Maybe Piet se tante ?

I would rather go with Wanda ?

Just for wading through that I will buy drinks if ever we meet up.

Was bored.



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