martinm - Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Gold Member
10 Mar 2007
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Posted: 2024-05-08 17:25:17

Name: Tequila

City: Pretoria

Area: Lynnwood/Wilgers

Last Visit: May 2024

Full Profile: [View Tequila's Full Profile]


After a while of looking at her profile I took the plunge. Rocking body and good personality! Once we got in the room things heated up, skipped the massage and we got down to business. Very responsive lady and knows the ropes on how to satisfy all our desires. Great time and of course the sumptuous venue. Thank you my dear. Ax



Face: 5/5
Body: 5/5
Personality: 5/5
Telephone Manner: 5/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 5/5
Privacy: 5/5
Service: 5/5

Will you return? Yes
Advertiser looked like the Photos? Yes
Secure Parking? Yes

PS: To easily submit a review like this, go to the Advertiser's page and click "Rate this Advertiser" (if you are a Gold Member) or "Review this Advertiser" (if you are a Free Member)

Tequila - Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
18 Apr 2024
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Posted: 2024-05-10 12:35:28
Edited: 2024-05-10 12:35:27

@Martinm it was nice having you, looking forward to see you soon babe.

kevinMadi - Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Basic Member
15 Oct 2014
Posts to Date: 62
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Posted: 2024-05-14 10:55:15

Name: Tequila

City: Pretoria

Area: Lynnwood/Wilgers

Last Visit: May 2024

Full Profile: [View Tequila's Full Profile]


Saw this girls ad, was impressed with what the pictures presented. My personal opinion the pictures is a bit mis leading. I had high expectations when making the booking expecting a 10/10 but then only getting a 7/10. The session was not bad and she is responsive. i personally feel her profile is false advertising as she does not look as good as her pictures represents. This is my honest opinion. and as mentioned the booking was not bad at all but also not great maybe because i felt like i was a bit deceived.



Face: 3/5
Body: 4/5
Personality: 4/5
Telephone Manner: 4/5
Venue Cleanliness: 5/5
Personal Cleanliness: 4/5
Privacy: 3/5
Service: 3/5

Will you return? No
Advertiser looked like the Photos? No
Secure Parking? Yes

PS: To easily submit a review like this, go to the Advertiser's page and click "Rate this Advertiser" (if you are a Gold Member) or "Review this Advertiser" (if you are a Free Member)

Tequila - Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
18 Apr 2024
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Posted: 2024-05-16 14:04:32

@kevinmadi,well that's very strange and the first!! Im sorry but that is how i look just like on the pictures, Nothing edited or changed but maybe it's your own personal opinion,It is what is.... Hope you find what you are looking for..
HeavenOnEarth - Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Gold Member
6 Sep 2011
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Posted: 2024-05-19 11:13:57

KevinMadi -- YEs everyone is entitled to their Opinion 110 % Agree -- However that doe NOT mean it is Correct which is 110 % what has transpired here -- in 12 1/2 Years this is the 1st Complaint I have ever received & The phrase "False Advertising ??? "a Bit Harsh when You have Zero Facts --

ESA Took all these Photos Outdoors in the Sunlight all Natural -- ESA has a very strong Policy about doing any Editing or the use of any Filters --Simply They are Not Allowed --PERIOD

The Photos are 110 % Genuine & had Not been altered at ALL !!

Personally I don't believe there is a 10/10 when you take everything into considerations

Tequila Just Happens to be one of our most consistent Angels with the most Bookings & Satisfied Clients as well -- I guess HOE can't pLease everyone

SORRY - but I don't appreciate unfound Negative Comments --when it does Not have any Validity whatsoever --Check with ESA --



Stevensteven247 - Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Re: Review - Tequila - Lynnwood/Wilgers Pretoria
Gold Member
4 Sep 2020
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Posted: 2024-05-20 08:37:40

Just my 2c..
But nobody looks the exact same in pics vs real life..
Unless it was like a different wg, which I doubt, the lady really cannot be blamed here at all, looking at previous reviews, also are in her favour....
Maybe he was expecting a PornStar with fake perfect boobs, and got a sexyHot natural celeb.. still no need to moan with a white bread under the arm.


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