[deleted] - (((((((((( GEM ))))))))))
(((((((((( GEM ))))))))))
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2023-05-03 07:21:19
Edited: 2023-05-03 07:49:36

Hey sunshine...

You gave me an incredibly wonderful time more than once.

Stay blessed always and forever.

You can be found in my long term memory saved under "Most Cherished."

Hope to hold you dearly once more soon.

I gave up paradise for you and now I get to enjoy heaven on earth... Figuratively speaking... Heaven literally though...

...Thank you for your existence, for just being the sweetest angel there is.

If I could give you the world, the moon, the stars including the sun I would give it all to you...

You've shown me paradise and you let me experience it too so it's the least I could do.

These words are my own, they're from my heart flow... I love you, I love you, I love you.

Just a customer expressing thanks, a very happy man.

*****_~ Black Diamond ~_*****

*****_~ Sapphire ~_*****

*****_~ Michelle ~_*****


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