Hakuna Matata
Hakuna Matata - Re: New to SA
Re: New to SA
Gold Member
16 Feb 2004
Posts to Date: 26
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:08

Welcome to SA. In general, you should read the comments made by other blokes to get an idea about what the ladies are like. Look at reports for Brigitte and Charlene for example, and you will see glowing testimonials :-) Follow good advice, and you can't go wrong.

There are some who are rushed, disinterested, lousy at their job etc. and a site like this really needs comments from customers, be they positive or negative. I know that it must be difficult for Sally to see some negative comments, as she is charging the ladies to advertise, and they wouln't like to be paying for adverse comments, but this is the nature of any enterprise.

The point of this kind of site (not specifically in this industry), is to receive money from advertisers in exchange for attracting customers for the advertiser. I firmly believe that negative criticism should be encouraged, but only if it is valid, and without malice.

I also realise that this specific industry is unregulated and as a result, sadly there is no consumer (or industry) protection. You will find at times that you might arrive at a house to be met by a girl who isn't the one advertised. You can stay or turn around and walk away, but either way you have been ripped off. This should be commented on, and others warned. I'm sure that Sally would have no problem with posting comments about this sort of behaviour.
bigirish - New to SA
New to SA
Basic Member
23 Feb 2004
Posts to Date: 2
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:08

Hi guys,
I'm new to SA having just moved here from Europe, and trying to get an idea of how the working girls operate down here.
Is it a safe assumption that more often then not, the girls provide a good service and that you will not experience a rushed service, rude manner or not the girl in the pic that some many girls in the UK/Ireland/mainland Europe seem to provide?

Also, I live in Fourways, does anyone know of any girls around this area.

Note to Sally, 1st class website! I was so relived to find it! Only suggestion is to have a deeper search by location, eg, Fourways, East Rand etc?




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