Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - ....dare one "gloat"
....dare one "gloat"
3 Jun 2015
Posts to Date: 4440
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Posted: 2022-11-04 09:31:08
Edited: 2022-11-04 09:33:41

Goooood morning Beautiful World!

Today started nice and early with a reminder never to forget to live life the best one can.

When limbs are lost due to accident or sickness counts down one last days on earth, one can only be ever grateful for who one may be no matter the challenges dealt one ...and here I speak of myself.

And then, looking in on those suffering from depression and hyper- tension, the silent killer, how important to NEVER forget to be as kind as possible to self and seek those that can remind one why a glass half full is better than the half empty one.

Truth is a scary thing.


In truth lays the power of realization and solution.

NEVER be shy to admit to ur good points.

NEVER allow another to shame u into silence on who u are, what u stand for and how u would like to be seen.

It will come across as gloating...especially to the ones who do not like u.

I have seen many a supposed "gloat" on this forum and many other forums.

To me they ain't gloating but
somehow empowered me, gave me hope and even clarified many a confusion I might have had.

Be brave in who u are . Speak ur truth and always be cogniscant there will be those who do not like u for ur liking of self.

U this world shaming a good character gets more support than acknowledgement.

It is a zany fast paced crazy world out there and, even in not be scared to be forthright in who u are.

There will always be those that appreciate knowing who u are and what u stand helps them choose to either make u part of their circle or avoid u like the plague.

The right to choose and surround oneself with like-minded individuals.

Strength to all!!



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