inlonger - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
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8 Jan 2012
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Posted: 2016-06-15 18:06:00

Disapointed at where this threads gone. It was a thread depicting a huge error that fikile made. It was about stupidity not race. And all of you have shot from the hip and turned it into a racial war. I wonder and worry bout the intellect and brainpower here.
[deleted] - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-06-15 18:14:50
Edited: 2016-06-15 18:44:21

I think that @notsoshykev is a govt minister or is damned well qualified to be one for the following reasons:

- he fails to comprehend that critisism of a political party is not critisism of an ethnic group.

- he in fact fails to critisise his own comrades for their catastrophic failings since his chosen party took power 22 years ago, just like all the ministers do in said party.

- he refuses to take responsibility for his chosen parties failing, blatant right to entitlement, self enrichment and massive corrupt practises which by now is evident to all south africans....him self included but he will never admit it.

- in order to subvert the faiings of his chosen party he chooses to start a race war in which his own comrades state on public forums how they will treat the whites like the jews in hitlers Germany and others who state they will drive any person with a white skin into the sea.

- he does not comprehend that there are a lot of black middle and upper class citizens who have had enough of the failings of his chosen party as well as the abhorrent actions of its members and the failings of its ministers for their inability to grasp and do the job they were employed for.

- he fails to see that SA is the only country in the entire world where the current minority group is subjected to the same racist practises from the current party that were practised under apartheid years ago.

- in an effort to hide his own shortcomings as well as that of his parties he will lay blame at the door of the said minority groups time and time again in an effort to justify the failings of his loyal comrades.

- he seems to forget that blacks, whites, indians in fact all ethnic groups and people in all professions in this country have a right to free speech without being subjected to defamation of character as he has done in his posts. Just because a white person speaks their mind does not entitle him to demean them with his own racist tendencies.

- he seems to think that all black people were subjected to bantu education yet fails to realise that the education systems from the past have equipped people of all ethnicities today with the capability to decide right from wrong and realise that they have a choice to act in a manner befitting their own characters.

So @notsoshykev.....pray tell which govt minister are you and which post are you looking to land with your hate speech and narrow minded perspectives

If you are not a govt minister as I have accused you of being then please structure your retort based on the points I have addressed above and refrain from generalisations and 'never getting to the point in order to avoid the truth' political speak as you are quite clearly capable of....who knows, if you get it right I might even vote for you one my own way of course.

happy1 - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
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2 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2016-06-15 18:30:41

Rule #1 of the ESA Forum can be summerised in one word: Respect.
The slightest derogatory racial and/or religious remark will result in immediate banning without warning.
[deleted] - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-06-15 18:35:03

On 2016-06-15 17:58:50 Indian Courtesan Lalita said:
Wow the level of blatant racism on this forum is shocking!!!!!!!!

Black punters are called idiots and stupid for daring to disagree and state their opinion. Seriously, so now they have chips on their shoulders bigger than their willies? Does the blonde Caucasian actually believe her brain cells are higher than the Black person who dared to disagree with her opinion?

Do Black people not have the right to defend the person you are ridiculing for a lack of education? Black people were not only deprived a basic right to education but also basic human rights and some of you think they should just get over it and not dwell on past injustice. This is the very reason that they do not trust to vote for any other party but the party who sacrificed their lives, their families and fought with every last breath in the bodies for the right to dignity, equality and freedom.

Ah Lalita you are cut from the same cloth I see.

-Where do you see that black people in general are called stupid or idiots ? Perhaps you are confusing a post aimed at an INDIVIDUAL with a statement made towards an entire ethnic group....???

- the party that sacrificed, pray tell who is sacrificing 22 years on, not your party flounting their expensive overseas trips, expensive cars houses and jets, massive self enrichment tender deals cant be the same party your are referring to here.

Maybe you should take the most recent example of your sacrificing govt minister staying at hotels that cost over R11000 a night and lets see how you sacrifice and get by on R750 a month that she thinks you should be happy to get by on....the sacrificing part of your statement is fading away my dear .....quite quickly at that.

Do you Lalita understand the difference between racism and behavioualism yourself ? Please enlighten us

happy1 - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
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2 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2016-06-15 18:41:16

Every day I meet kind hearted people. People who just want to make a living, and create better circumstances for them and their children.

By experience I know, that they are mostly the quiet, friendly, soft-spoken (rarely outspoken) people who are happy to see other people do well. They are fair in their trade with their fellow South Africans. They stick to their beliefs. They are civil minded, and try to do what is best for everyone. They (also?) have their frustrations, but do not take it out on others, perhaps destroying what is not theirs alone.
If you sit back, and think deeply (and maybe a little outside of the box), you may be clever enough to come up with a solution, where EVERYBODY feels safe, and have a fair chance, going forward the bring this country and its wonderful people to their so much desired place.
[deleted] - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-06-15 18:47:28

Can't agree, happy1. This is an important issue that affects all of us who live in this country, whether you are a WG, a punter, a government official (smiley face), a slave trader (smiley face) or just a curious, perplexed bystander.
This is not a racial war, it is a reflection our diverse origins and background and differing views about the society we live in and i'm so happy it is being discussed.
The OP's post was about race and racial quotas (transformation), so this is just an extension of that discussion (albeit heated).
We should all try take the time to read, absorb, digest and share, no matter how popular or unpopular, because the alternative to discussion and debate is too ghastly to contemplate.
happy1 - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
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2 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2016-06-15 18:53:32

Surely without all the ugly things being said? I want, you want, he/she/it want. When I drive on a road, and I see a car waiting to enter the queue, I signal to it to enter in front of me. I do not rush to narrow the gap. Certainly we ALL want change! How about effecting the change in such a way that everybody gets a chance to get in the queue?
[deleted] - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-06-15 18:55:53

Exactly ! So let's open the way not to just stand in the queue but to shorten it and make it as painlessly as possible.
happy1 - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
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2 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2016-06-15 19:04:31

Who will be the first to post a user friendly positive solution that does not insult but promote? I wait with abated breath!
Russian Bridgitte
Russian Bridgitte - Re: fikile
Re: fikile
3 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2016-06-15 19:08:35

Oh my Lalita....
How poor your frame of thinking.

I see you too need to learn to read. U feel offended...wander why?

As to this caucasian how defensive people become when the truth stares them in the face.



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