RubyWinchester - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Gold Member
25 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-26 23:11:15


Head. Head always works. For everything. ;)
Orpheus - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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31 May 2013
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Posted: 2016-12-26 23:44:47

Head it is RW
RubyWinchester - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Gold Member
25 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-27 00:33:23

Awesome. Enjoy! Hoop jy voel beter n die tyd. :P
[deleted] - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2016-12-27 02:00:36

Lilly prefers Chris Brown, Lil Wayne and Tyga. That's for those who picked those lyrics up on her profile ;)
Lilly - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
19 May 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-27 06:52:18

The music ...fool and yes perhaps coz they gotz Biig dollar hahaha
[deleted] - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-12-27 08:17:25

"But because I find the idea of a black man touching me off putting." I rest my case. If you don't understand why such a wide ranging blanket statement about all black men is racist then you'll never get it. That's why there will never be peace in this country and eventually (and sadly) Julius will thrive.
[deleted] - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-12-27 08:18:29

I'm done here. This is pointless. If you can't see reason then I'm finished.
[deleted] - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-12-27 08:32:03

I'm sure my reply will open up more cans, but anyway, here's my 2 cents on this issue..

Lilly may or may not be justified in her preferences and views, but I ask the question: "who are we to judge her in this regard?" It is, after all, her life, her choice of this career. No human being has the right to force themselves on another, or compel services simply because they are paying. Sadly many punters seem to feel that this industry by it's nature affords them the right to treat WG's like aholes. It's just not right.. Imo. But like I said, who I am to judge.

Secondly, we all know this to be true, that the axe swings both ways. You get ahole punters all races. I was at a venue not so long ago where 5 white guys came in as I was leaving, drunk as skunks, one had a hunting knife on his damn belt, like wtf, and I simply nodded in politeness as I was leaving the venue.. and in return for my good manners the one guy asked me who the "f*ck am I?".. and because I didn't feel like a trip to the hospital to have a hunting knife wound stitched or my jaw re-wired, I simply kept quiet and walked out. As I was leaving I heard one of these aholes proceed to argue with the black and Indian girls inside (I heard them shoutinf about wanting to "f*ck her all at once)..and I saw the Black girl I had just been with running to the bathroom on the opposite end of the venue and lock herself inside. I heard a few of the guys shouting and banging on that door, saying they were going to break it down and rape the "sh*t out of her black ahole. Wtf x2?? Well that just left me with a dead sickening feeling so then I left. I cannot fathom that kinf of behaviour from punters, of any race, towards a working girl. We are all human, no matter our race or job description. This industry doesn't need to be the unpleasant one it is sometimes. If people tried to be polite more.. ahhhh? But sadly the Punting world is a sometimes a twisted microcosm of the larger world. And those 5 drunk blessings were probably fathers, husbands, 9 - 5vers who are pillars in their communities and rapists of working girls by night.

So if (and I don't know fir sure obviously) Lilly has had bad experiences with Black clients the way that I've just described, well then I suppose I don't blame her for putting a blanket rule up to protect herself from all that kind of crap.

Anyway, it is what it is.. just saying..

naver - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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24 Aug 2007
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Posted: 2016-12-27 08:48:12

This racist thing beats me. Look we know a lot of you are racist, but there is really no need to make your racist intentions on social media. Get over yourself.
Mike23 - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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30 Jul 2007
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Posted: 2016-12-27 09:13:06

RubyWinchester nailed it in his response to Fboy.
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