styffrichard - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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20 Feb 2023
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Posted: 2024-04-05 13:34:30

On 2024-04-05 06:09:50 mojompower said:
Affordability, and debts.
Sadly prices are just so high and complaints abou the service standards, I just gave up and much as I still want to.

Coming feom about 24 years experience, The golden years of punting are over..

You have just described the Cape Town scene - so I keep an eye out but very seldom partake
Arhwen - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2024-04-05 18:34:17

On 2024-04-05 08:50:54 time4change said:
On 2024-04-05 08:10:39 Arhwen said: On 2024-04-05 07:32:53 time4change said: On 2024-04-05 06:17:04 Arhwen said: On 2024-04-04 17:28:46 time4change said: Yeah I also think guys/we feel comfortable with our regulars, and they end up then taking advantage of us
At the end of the day it's all bout the money
However if u paying them for a service and they don't pitch up it's not like we can go to the wgs ombudsman's to lay a complaint and the girls know that that's why they take the money
Sad actually

We're do we lay a complain for callers who waist our time??? Especially since they have no reviews to guide you.

Agree that's not fair either and we get that in all our industries customers who make bookings and appointments and never show
However my thing was a bout someone with whom I know for many years who basically scammed me for money not just don't show up for an appointment

Sorry for your experience it's a shitty feeling I know trust me I do. But never assist with expectations when you do give look at it as your giving back to the universe for all your many blessings. As long as it comes from a good place with lots of love and no expectation it will never hurt.

Just write it off as bad Karma and let the Her karma do what it will. Also perhaps their was a lesson for you in that don't be so niave.

Thanks yeah unfortunately in this situation I was not giving to anyone I paid for a trip with her for which she didn't pitch

Is that not what the review system and profile wall is for to bring awareness instead of painting everyone with the same brush?
Arhwen - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
11 Apr 2014
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Posted: 2024-04-05 18:41:54
Edited: 2024-04-05 18:45:31

On 2024-04-05 08:50:54 time4change said:
On 2024-04-05 08:10:39 Arhwen said: On 2024-04-05 07:32:53 time4change said: On 2024-04-05 06:17:04 Arhwen said: On 2024-04-04 17:28:46 time4change said: Yeah I also think guys/we feel comfortable with our regulars, and they end up then taking advantage of us
At the end of the day it's all bout the money
However if u paying them for a service and they don't pitch up it's not like we can go to the wgs ombudsman's to lay a complaint and the girls know that that's why they take the money
Sad actually

We're do we lay a complain for callers who waist our time??? Especially since they have no reviews to guide you.

Agree that's not fair either and we get that in all our industries customers who make bookings and appointments and never show
However my thing was a bout someone with whom I know for many years who basically scammed me for money not just don't show up for an appointment

Sorry for your experience it's a shitty feeling I know trust me I do. But never assist with expectations when you do give look at it as your giving back to the universe for all your many blessings. As long as it comes from a good place with lots of love and no expectation it will never hurt.

Just write it off as bad Karma and let the Her karma do what it will. Also perhaps their was a lesson for you in that don't be so niave.

Thanks yeah unfortunately in this situation I was not giving to anyone I paid for a trip with her for which she didn't pitch

Is that not what the review system and profile wall is for to bring awareness instead of painting everyone with the same brush?

On 2024-04-05 09:33:17 MrWrong said:
On 2024-04-05 08:10:39 Arhwen said: On 2024-04-05 07:32:53 time4change said: On 2024-04-05 06:17:04 Arhwen said: On 2024-04-04 17:28:46 time4change said: Yeah I also think guys/we feel comfortable with our regulars, and they end up then taking advantage of us
At the end of the day it's all bout the money
However if u paying them for a service and they don't pitch up it's not like we can go to the wgs ombudsman's to lay a complaint and the girls know that that's why they take the money
Sad actually

We're do we lay a complain for callers who waist our time??? Especially since they have no reviews to guide you.

Agree that's not fair either and we get that in all our industries customers who make bookings and appointments and never show
However my thing was a bout someone with whom I know for many years who basically scammed me for money not just don't show up for an appointment

Sorry for your experience it's a shitty feeling I know trust me I do. But never assist with expectations when you do give look at it as your giving back to the universe for all your many blessings. As long as it comes from a good place with lots of love and no expectation it will never hurt.

Just write it off as bad Karma and let the Her karma do what it will. Also perhaps their was a lesson for you in that don't be so niave.

As this is an industry operating outside any legal framework and protection it does create greater opportunity for scammers to be more active as the likelihood for formal action is slim to none.

This impacts on all parties participating in the industry, SP's and punters alike. I'm sure most of us, if not all, have suffered some form of loss i.e. no shows for bookings or paying upfront and not receiving the agreed service. That is just the risk associated with this business.

I would however want to believe that most of us are good natured and with pure intentions. Some fighting to survive and trying to make a living whilst other seeking intimacy, affection and companionship. It is a bit unfair to apply the blanket rule that we are all dishonest, time wasters and/or potential scammers just waiting for the next opportunity to defraud someone. Although we might not all be deemed as outstanding members of our communities as per societal norms, integrity and trust still plays a big part in the business. We should acknowledge that it works both ways and can never be onsided.

For those who intentionally scams, defruads or no-shows, there should be a mechanism in place where a small group can review the alleged allegations and based on the facts can then decide if the greater forum should be made aware of it and with the potential risk(s) involved. Naming and shaming on a public forum is dangerous and might also be damaging to someone's business venture and/or reputation.

Just my 2 cents woth seeing that I've taken an extended weekend and have nothing much to do today.

I would have to agree 100% especially the fact that it is unfair to apply the blanket rule that everyone is timewaister's and dishonest why then is it ok for punters to class all ladies as the same when we are not yet when we return the favor it's unfair do we not deserve the same fairness that you do as we are not all scammers and we are not all just here to take your money make you cum and kick you out so why then is it ok for punters to paint us all with the same brush when we are clearly not all of the same Caliber??? Though when we do it it's deemed unfair and please don't tell me it's because I am the service providers because that answer doesn't suffice at least not for me.

Just yesterday there was the ungrateful bitches thread when in reality it was one person but it was generalized that all working are ungrateful bitches just to give you a example.

So if punters want us to stop generalizing then perhaps they should do the same.
kingkk - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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13 May 2023
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Posted: 2024-04-05 18:46:54

First time. An almost marriage. Stayed away almost a year.
Second time. Got into a relationship. Almost two years.
Few other times. Finances or testing willpower or just no hormonal activity. But somehow I keep coming back who knows.
MikeCotton - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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30 May 2023
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Posted: 2024-04-07 10:25:36

Being harassed by a popular girl in CT after leaving a 3 star review, and almost immediately afterwards, a handful of glowing reviews from some people. Right.

Ray Ray
Ray Ray - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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23 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2024-04-07 10:56:18

Got married, I'm extremely tempted to dip my cock back in but also hesitant that it might open quiet a few cans of pussys

money hasn't been an issue but when you see some of the prices it definitely adds to the hesitancy of paying that much on the chance that it might be a mind blowing experience or it could be a utter waste.
majorjohn - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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11 May 2018
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Posted: 2024-04-07 11:07:13

Being stood up again and again.
Yesterday was another one. It puts you off for a while.
Greyfox - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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31 May 2007
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Posted: 2024-04-07 15:50:14

I basically stopped without really taking the decision.

I think lockdown played a huge roll.

Also, as mentioned, finances and quality of service.

All my regulars have left the industry.

I just don't have the time, money or energy to visit 10 - 20 girls just to find that one girl...

If you know of one please inbox me. I might be tempted.
igloo - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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19 Feb 2018
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Posted: 2024-04-08 10:13:52

Took up a position in the bush in Africa 1n 2010. No WG's in the area and staff is off limits due to company policy

The tranquility of living in the bush surpasses the hustle and bustle of city or town life

BendOver - Re: What made you stop punting
Re: What made you stop punting
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8 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2024-04-08 11:06:19

Can't say that I stopped punting...

But not as intrigued as I used to be...

If a nice profile catches my eye...I take the plunge

But recently the service vs price has become a crucial damper..

Quality of service has seriously made my punts less in recent times


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