Chmoks - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2016-08-08 13:25:20

On 2016-08-08 11:44:20 SupermanV said:
I may be wrong but I believe that is a SAPS function.

Yo Super, dunno actually, maybe you're correct but the Metro Police will definitely improve, and with it likely the actual SAPS because improving seems to be contagious - when last have you seen a taxi driving over pavements in CT? Also, go out at night in the CBD there, you'll feel safe anywhere... my bro, when last could you say that in Gauteng?
Oh wait, you may be younger than I am... ;-))
Bottom line though is, improvements there will be!
Summer - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
28 Jan 2015
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Posted: 2016-08-08 13:32:08

Lol Orpheus
kameshang - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
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9 Sep 2011
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Posted: 2016-08-08 17:48:17

Time will tell. Just hope their will be no large cases of violence. This might be the starting of something really good or something that needs ans wants to be forgotten. I hope and believe it will positive.lets hope all goes well sa rocks with its awesome people and we have potential to be one of the very best countries in the world.
[deleted] - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-08-09 08:24:47

It's a positive development overall I'd say.

The biggest risks, if the EFF-DA coalition happens, are the diametric views that each party has. At the same time, there are some basics that they seem to agree on and can use that as a starting point.

Now with 2019 as a goal, 2 years is a very short timeframe to effect change, and the Tshwane/JHB environment is markedly different to CPT.

The coalition cannot afford to neglect black and coloured areas, and focused improvements in these areas are likely to make the biggest impact at the polls. This is where ANC support is still strong and so they have to go there if they really want to show what they are capable of doing.

I'm not saying they should ignore the rest of us but people there need to actually see what they've been missing on in blindly voting for the ANC.

It's scary but exciting times though. Maybe we can stop being held to ransom by what's become an arrogant party without the will to really try hard to deliver.

If the ANC improves itself to try to claw back some position and look better with the DA-EFF threat, then only the country wins both ways, and that's ultimately the best outcome.
[deleted] - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2016-08-09 09:08:58

The DA with any coalition party takes over a metro that is many millions of rands in the red,they got their job cut out for them.
Chmoks - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2016-08-09 09:45:07

On 2016-08-09 08:24:47 Franci$co said:
If the ANC improves itself to try to claw back some position and look better with the DA-EFF threat, then only the country wins both ways, and that's ultimately the best outcome.

Franci$co, on the whole I agree with your sentiments but not with the above.
The 'old' ANC of Nelson & Thabo didn't do too bad, granted, but they never did too good either. Some glaring mistakes/omissions have been made (Eskom & Education as prime examples) but that's too long ago now.
Then came the 'now' ANC, spearheaded by Zuma, and this current lot has personal gain as prime driver ingrained, it is corrupt to the very core - and THAT cannot be turned around, the wrong people hold the key positions. Mind, this is not a few but the vast majority, with the result that funds are sluiced not there where they're needed but creamed off for enrichment of those with a say. We'll never know how deeply ingrained this is but don't need to either, important is it needs to be changed - EXchanged, replace the lot, put different/better people in those positions, people who will do their job they get paid for instead of scheming how to get better at cost of the masses.
Dunno about you but if I get a rotten apple I don't want it, neither will I cut out the good bits... I'll just get a new fresh one ;-)
Chmoks - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2016-08-09 10:01:13

In fact, we all should thank Zuma, especially so when he will also serve the rest of his current, however last, term!
If he does, and I actually hope he will, then he'll go down in history as the president who turned SA around... don't you all see this?
He has caused SO much damage by corrupting our entire government and having attempted state capture that the very people of this country, the masses, very much including the majority his own voters, have turned around against him and have said NO, not any more, not further, it stops here, we want change!
As said I hope he'll stay in his driving seat, for he'll not deviate an iota from the course he has been on, running this ship we're all on even further aground - for the people will vote him out, they'll use their ultimate weapon wisely: their vote!
[deleted] - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-08-09 10:11:53

The damage that Zuma and his inner circle of cronies have done (and still doing) to our country, will take years if not decades to undo. Another 3 years of them and it will be nigh impossible to undo. If the rest of the top brass of the ANC have the country's interests at heart, and not just their own, they will do the right thing and offload the current Zuma leadership and begin the restoration process.
Chmoks - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2016-08-09 11:12:54

On 2016-08-09 10:11:53 honeybear said:

They don't!
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
Re: DA winning Pretoria, your thoughts
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2016-08-09 11:39:33
Edited: 2016-08-09 11:47:05

Indeed I doubt the ANC have the country's interests at heart.

Revenue collection is all that works well in SA.

Why cannot the same exertion be brought to bear on service delivery?

1. I did not vote for the ANC
2. I did not vote for the DA.


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