sweetman10 - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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12 Jul 2012
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Posted: 2016-12-26 20:11:29

I totally agree that it's a personal choice. I personally do not visit Caucasian WGs,and definitely not inclined to. And let's face the's all about preferences and how we perceive different races. As a mixed race man I 100% prefer my chocolate queens. Just my preference and personal choice
RubyWinchester - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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25 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-26 20:39:29
Edited: 2016-12-26 20:45:58

On 2016-12-26 19:04:45 Fboy said:
"You're not purchasing a washer and dryer here. This is a personal choice." There's no severity exclusion, racism is racism.
~ So to you there is no difference between a washing machine and a woman's vagina? Yet you ask why she doesn't want black clients?

"The choice to let someone inside her most private parts or not. Whether the foundation of that choice is racist or not." - In this specfic case it is because a blanket statement has been made about black people.
~ Who said anything about her making a blanket statement/general assumption about the character/hygiene/sexual habits/whatever of black men? If this had been me, that would not be the reason. If I was in this industry, there wouldn't be enough money in the world to convince me to have sex with a black man. Not because of a blanket statement/general assumption of all black men. But because I find the idea of a black man touching me off putting. No matter how rich or classy he is. In every other way, black, white, indian, coloured people are all treated equally. I will allow anyone in any part of my life, if I trust them. Come to my house, sleep in my guestroom, have a braai with me, cry on my shoulder when you're going through a tough time. If you're a good person, you get to be in my life. If you're a shitty one, you don't. The only line I draw, is intimacy. That's something I reserve for white males. Does this mean I made a blanket statement about any part of black men or their culture? No. I just don't like the idea of being intimate with a black man. Would you expect a straight male to have sex with another man, just to prove he's not homophobic? No. Then why expect a white female to have sex with a black man, just to prove she's not racist?

" By forcing her not make that choice, and allow an african gent to fuck her, when she's not comfortable with it, just to please him, well, we have a word for that. It's called rape." Read my ENTIRE post, nowhere did I say she MUST sleep with black people. I have in no way limited the choice she has. No one is forcing anyone to do anything.
~ If that is really the case, then why rant about it endlessly? Why not just accept it and move on? What possible reason could you have to whine about it continuously, if not to try to change her mind?

" You have to live with the fact that you can't get every white pussy you feel you are entitled to." Totally agree, thus I said put Roar on profile and we all move on.
~ I agree. Although maybe it is also needed to give a gentle reminder every now and then, for the punters that only look at the pictures without reading her description and terms.

" You will find racial discrimination in all races. Black ladies refusing indians. Coloured ladies refusing whites. White ladies refusing blacks." Again I totally agree, all races are capable of racism, as I said previously. But other people being racist does not in any way shape or form minimise your racism.
~ Agreed. But all other races are capable of accepting this reality when being rejected by some WG's. Why can't you do the same?

"But I reiterate: being refused service at a Spur because of the colour of your skin: complete bullshit and illegal. A lady refusing to open her legs for you because of the colour of your skin, comletely acceptable." Whether it's acceptable or not is your opinion and that differs from person to person. The people in the numerous restaurants who do it obviously find it acceptable. But both of those things meet the definition of racism and that is what you must accept.
~ And what you must accept, is that you can do something about the restaurant situation. You can't do anything about an WG's choice not to service you. You can change the first one, you can't change the latter. Nor should you want to. Because it would still be rape. Life isn't always fair. Accept it, and move on.

Orpheus - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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31 May 2013
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Posted: 2016-12-26 20:46:28

Stop quoting and pasting evrything. It is so annoying. Plus its filling up the ESA servers with repetitive data.
RubyWinchester - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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25 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-26 20:52:40

On 2016-12-26 20:11:29 sweetman10 said:
I totally agree that it's a personal choice. I personally do not visit Caucasian WGs,and definitely not inclined to. And let's face the's all about preferences and how we perceive different races. As a mixed race man I 100% prefer my chocolate queens. Just my preference and personal choice

See? This is cool. Funnily enough, not seen as racism. (I don't think it is BTW. You absolutely have the right to make this choice.) Do white WG's get effended and rant for days because they're excluded? No. Personal preference is prevailent with punters, and that's okay. And it's okay if a WG also has a pesonal preference. She shouldn't do anything she doesn't want to, just because she's being paid. And she shouldn't have to fear being attacked for her choices.
RubyWinchester - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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25 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-26 21:19:25
Edited: 2016-12-26 21:20:15

If you have too many questions/opinions to respond to, then it's mos easier to quote and paste. To avoid confusion and respond in bullet format. Why you getting all huffy about it? Haal asem. ;D
naver - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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24 Aug 2007
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Posted: 2016-12-26 21:59:58

I am curios as to why Lily posted that here ? What was the point ?
Lalaa - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
1 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2016-12-26 22:28:47

Definition of African

1: a native or inhabitant of Africa (it can be any race)

2: a person and especially a black person of African ancestry

IT WOULD BE MORE CLEAR to STATE RACES. Its normal to express your preferences.
Orpheus - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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31 May 2013
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Posted: 2016-12-26 22:30:51

Im not getting huffy babes. Just too tired to read thru all of that. Mebbe I need some spoiling. A massage or some good head.
Orpheus - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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31 May 2013
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Posted: 2016-12-26 22:37:24
Edited: 2016-12-26 22:38:38

In think lilly has the right to choose who she sees or not. However the manner with which she expresses this is somewhat questionable and downright lousy. She could have stated this in a better manner.

My 2 and a half cents.
johndoe69za - Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
Re: I don't do Africans preference rather than race issue.
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24 Sep 2007
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Posted: 2016-12-26 22:57:07

I really hopes ESA does what it said it would and lock this thread as they said they will no longer tolerate any further discussions. A girl's profile is the correct place for her to put her choices,
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