Davistarr - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
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23 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2020-02-23 20:09:21

On 2020-02-23 16:52:55 Kimmi said:
It's not being racist. It's a preference of choice just as you have a preference of choice.

U certainly not though...
semensquirter - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
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11 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2020-02-23 20:18:03
Edited: 2020-02-23 20:20:00

On 2020-02-22 22:11:40 Ben Layden said:
...Indeed sir, methinks this ssurfer dude is one masala sandwich short of a picnic...

This is what happens when a brother sleeps with his sister and leave out the contraceptive.

BTW I know who it is...details to follow...
balasbak - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
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21 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2020-02-23 22:37:26

This is why this country is completely fucked, trying to service interest in debt owed by the country at R1 Billion a day and getting worse so look forward to some personal tax increases, increase in VAT and any other possible avenue for the corrupt government to plunder, but let's all waste fucken time debating race, when the country is going to hell in a hand basket. Bravo, well done everyone, you have all contributed to achieving fuck all, other than to bitch, moan and wine about white woman having race preferences which is there fucken choice and your inability to accept same, and some guys of color clearing trying to stroke their egos about disclosing they have fucked white woman, well done, hate to break it to you but you have achieved fuck all, just move along now, and go cry to your mommies!
seanbotha91 - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
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22 Nov 2019
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Posted: 2020-02-23 22:56:09

Here's a little story... there is this one white wg on esa (shows face in pic). I messaged her and phoned her to ask If she would see me. She asks me my race I tell her I'm indian... she tells me she does not see indians... I say cool. A few weeks later I see her ( she was with her family) Shopping. I deliberately walked in her direction... I kid you not she started checking me out and made it so obvious... i got the vibe she would screw me for free... so here's the thing when I spoke to her and put the phone down I felt she was a racist for not seeing me. But when I saw her at the mall i clearly saw that she was attracted to me ( so she can not be a racist). Based on my experience above I don't think it is fair for any girl to be labeled as a racist. Maybe it does not make good business sense for some ladies to see non whites. I am told at HOE some girls don't see indians because indians never tip. All I'm saying is that this is a business for the girls if men of colour could ejaculate molten gold then more white wg would want to see men of colour. Not because they attracted to men of colour. But to get enough gold to make a bar...

[deleted] - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2020-02-23 23:06:35

On 2020-02-23 22:37:26 balasbak said:
This is why this country is completely fucked, trying to service interest in debt owed by the country at R1 Billion a day and getting worse so look forward to some personal tax increases, increase in VAT and any other possible avenue for the corrupt government to plunder, but let's all waste fucken time debating race, when the country is going to hell in a hand basket. Bravo, well done everyone, you have all contributed to achieving fuck all, other than to bitch, moan and wine about white woman having race preferences which is there fucken choice and your inability to accept same, and some guys of color clearing trying to stroke their egos about disclosing they have fucked white woman, well done, hate to break it to you but you have achieved fuck all, just move along now, and go cry to your mommies!

@balasbak, how would any topic addressed by anyone on this site help solve the R 1 Billion a day problem you mentioned above? Or are you suggesting that no one post anything at all on this site? Or go further: and recommend that people STOP punting altogether, as the mental energies used organising punting [et al] could be used to figure out some ingenious solution to the country's problems?

On the other hand, seeing that white women are placed on a pedestal, how do you know that if the problem of getting white woman sex could be solved by "people of colour", that "people of colour" might become much more happy, and there in might lie the solutions to the above-mentioned country's problems?

People have a diverse range of issues / hang-ups, and if there is a platform to express or vent, that in itself is useful and important. And people take different amounts of time to do that venting, and I think people should be let be, for as long as they need.... No one has to read people's posts. As one should do in regard to the women that ROAR you, you can simply move on gracefully without reading a thread or clicking in to read the posts people made in that thread!!!!

[deleted] - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2020-02-23 23:10:28

On 2020-02-20 12:43:37 tony b bop said:
Steady on chaps, it does get a guy down, and if you haven't faced it you cannot relate to it, much less deride someone for commenting on something they face every day in many ways.

In fairness Pears, ladies are entitled to a preference.

It is not necessarily a racist thing and can simply be a matter of not finding something attractive, be it a belly, ass, age type, accent or skin tone.

If I had a buck for every lady that disagreed with me on the topic of my awesome manliness, wonderous sex appeal, prodigious intellect, stallion like stamina and overall magnificence I'd be able to afford a Ster Kinekor movie (with snacks) and have change left over for a decent sized bachelor's flat in Sandton.

If it is a race thing then F#UCK EM! (hang on that's not right, don't f#ck em) If you're a nice guy its their loss. If you are not a nice guy who cares, plenty more fish in the sea and all that.

We will be like "this," with regard to the race thing, in SA for generations, less so with each generation but it will take time. All we can do is to do our best to show people that race is in no way an indicator of a person's character, we won't always succeed but that is all we can do.

My wife varies between a luscious light caramel to a magnificent burnt umber completion, while I am a pale pasty chap only one dot of melanin shy of albinism. If I had to have a word, or take more vigorous action, with everyone who had decided to make a comment, give a look or display the most appalling levels of ignorance, I'd never get anything done.

Its SA and that its our life. Not great, not fair, not nice but that's what it is... for now.

[deleted] - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2020-02-23 23:18:46

On 2020-02-20 12:44:50 Mersedes said:
Because of rape. And threats. And absolutely bad behavior.
Sorry to the good guys of colour but I will not put myself in a position that I don't feel comfortable with.

Thank you for understanding

Rape, threats, and absolutely "bad" behaviour should be unequivocally, absolutely condemned
[deleted] - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2020-02-23 23:19:50

On 2020-02-20 13:00:07 KICKASS said:
I think this is a good thing get it off ur chest say what u have to. Let's also not forget that next week we can discuss the same topic but it's important to actually discuss how you feel so we can get the relevant authority's involved.

[deleted] - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2020-02-23 23:47:10

On 2020-02-20 13:16:42 Veronica Franco said:
It is what it is unfortunately. This has been debated a number of times over the years and never ends well. Keep looking, you'll find someone eventually. It's a pain in the ass, but you aren't gonna change anyone's mind here. Although tables are turning for many economically, you never know from one day to the next who the ladies are actually seeing, lol.

I am looked down on by many ladies and punters because I see all races! I've somehow become disgusting and dirty for seeing men of colour...I think they are mostly afraid of the same stigma that they hang over my head! Do I give a shit? Hell no! It is interesting seeing the dynamics of it though!

@Veronica Franco, women like you are the true Goddesses, and women of the future. Those who look down on you can only do so underground, in private, and in secrecy; which proves that their thoughts & beliefs are not viable in public or in the future.
[deleted] - Re: Bull shit about race
Re: Bull shit about race
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2020-02-23 23:53:30

On 2020-02-20 13:19:30 Rossia said:
It's not about racism . I had many Africans and African guys booking me as I am of a different culture and spicies as they can't figure out what race I am . It is like am an alien and it's something very new to them. Specially those that never left South African and expore different cultures.

Oh my God, Rossia! You are so hot!

....spicies? Did you mean "species"? What heavenly species are you, exactly?


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