On 2016-08-20 13:48:53 freediver said:
he is going to be so nervous he might just finish the bottle in the car in front of her doorstep!!
Girl waiting for a client to ring her bell hears sudden commotion outside, various thuds & screams.
Curious the opens her door to see Bristol lying down the stairs in a puddle and some broken glass.
"What happened" she asks?
<slurred speach> "Hey, I.. HIC ..wanted to slurprise (drool) zyou with sssome whiHICsky becoss I was nervuss.... so I guzzlHICd half on my wwway - but I misszed zat top step and slipt..."
The girl next day gets a bad review...
Don't booze & bonk, it's unfair to the girls, never mind yourself.