Doubleslappedass - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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1 Jul 2015
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Posted: 2017-09-23 21:44:29

Oh yeah and SARS has a R13 billion shortfall this tax year, I expect that to be R200 billion by the end of next year as companies and tax payers decide it's cheaper and easier to lawyer up and tell the government to stick their corrupt dick up their own arses..good times ahead people..
jonnys - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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12 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2017-09-23 22:01:46

I also read about the PIC / SOE issue. Most understated news item ever.

Ag Ja, maybe the PIC must just hand over the entire nearly R2 trillion. Why not?

Couple of unhappy elderly anc voting pensioners not such a bad thing methinks!
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-24 20:45:25

As I mentioned the Waterboards yesterday, so the story brakes about Umgeni Waterboard.

Guess who is the chairperson ?

dudu dicksucker from SAA !!!

Not enough shit at SAA now at Waterboard as well ?

Get the fuck rid of this thing !!!!

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-10-03 18:14:00
Edited: 2017-10-03 18:15:42

I posted the following in August 2016 :

"jacob will fire him (Pravin) and appoint one of his cronies to remove all obstacles to raping the country."

I was away for a few weeks, and as I return to our sunny shores, I read that there is a movement underway to capture the Treasury by gig-aap.

This did not happen now. It happened when zuma fired Pravin and Mcebisi and appointed the following two idiots :
malusi gigaba
sifiso buthelezi
as minister and deputy ministers of finance.

gig-aap : the former minister of public works, WHO BUILT NLKANDLA, and was in charge of all of the State Owned Enterprises. He raped them so well, that he got promotion to raping the rest as well. Think Eskom, SAA, Transnet, etc All raped already, shit only coming out afterwards.

buthulezi : Happens to be the Chairman of the PIC, Public Investment Corporation. Where 1,8 trillion is waiting to be looted, the pensions of state employees. The PIC is doing horibly in any case, 1 % increase for their pensioners this year. What a joke.

The mechanisms are in place to loot. The courts are just cumbersome. Can't get past them.

It is way too late to think they are only starting now to rape Treasury, it started back in August 2016.

SAA : that imbecile dudu has now cost US 5,3 billion rands by not fucking off. Why ? Because the banks won't extend credit any more if she stays. That is the reason why Standard Bank and Citi Bank wanted their money. SAA should be sold or closed down. It is a financial drain that SA can not afford. Overstaffed, corrupt, incompetent, fire the lot. WE DON'T NEED A NATIONAL CARRIER.

America does not have one ? Why should we ? To steal more ?

If I was a government employeee I would be very worried. The guppies and zuma want that money. Last three months to loot and then they are fucked.


Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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30 Dec 2005
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[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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Posted: 2017-10-04 20:06:28


It is not just an African thing. Seems to be prevalent all over.

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2017-10-05 06:08:01

On 2017-10-03 20:34:37 Ben Layden said:

One of the comments from this utterly pointless article:
"I don't agree ! Historically , there were NO BLACKS in the Western Cape, we have no beef with the coloureds, THEY must be elevated.Western Cape is the place to be, own Harbour, farm lands, mining, no need to move San people either, it's as much their land as ours, both groups are far better than any blacks, who have not grown with time, and all just WANT, which is not theirs and has NOT worked for it.Western Cape draw up it's OWN Constitution and Border control to keep the murdering, plundering, uneducated Pastoral Nomads OUT." Ben I really hope this is not the sentiment you share because this seems to be the target audience for a site like this.

Like INL said it's the same everywhere, the day the opposition accepts that Zuma is far more cunning than the lot of them put together is the day they may actually be able to do something about him. He had everyone screaming about Nkandla for the last few years while he pulled off the real heist. Trump is doing EXACTLY the same thing, his family have been installed at the highest levels of the government to extract as much business and cash out of the situation as they can. But because he is white and American it is okay with some quarters, till they realise just how much he will have benefited from his presidency. It's a snapshot from chapter one of the Robbing for Dummies manual, create a diversion (Immigration, North Korea, Russia, the infamous wall) while you loot the coffers.
Ben Layden
Ben Layden - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
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30 Dec 2005
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Posted: 2017-10-05 08:48:44

You cut and pasted someone else's comment.
Not my opinion.

As for Mr Trump, he needs do no looting.
He made his own money.

The powerful lobbyists on Capitol hill who buy out congressmen and senators are the real looters and subverters of American foreign policy which has made America the most hated nation on earth.

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2017-10-05 09:50:33

To clarify I said I hope you don't share the same sentiment.

It would be naive to think that Trumps is not positioning his companies to profit from where he sits. Unlike Hilary who promised the lobbyists the world i. Return for funding Trump parry much paid for his own campaign, he owes the lobbyists nothing, and even if he did his track record shows he doesn't pay his debts.

We can come back in four years and have a discussion on how the wealth of the Trump family has grown, not unlike a certain very shrewd character we have running our country. Only difference is one raided the public coffers and the other will beat the drums of war.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-10-09 20:19:13
Edited: 2017-10-09 20:20:42

Dennis George, the general secretary of the Federation of Unions of SA, announced that they might be withdrawing their pension funds form the PIC, and pass it along to private fund managers.

This is hectic. The PIC sits with almost all of the State employees pension funds.

The reason for that is squarely before malusi gigaba, who is busy instituting a raid on the PIC to get them to invest in the SOE's to fill the holes left by the guptas raiding of it.

He goes on to specify how it was done, and the only worrying thing is, that Dennis could have read about it already on this thread some time ago. He is obviously not a punter.

The threat is becoming real, and with the anc elections coming up, the fate of our nation is being decided by the biggest thiefs this country has ever seen.

The next two months are crucial, and ourt NPA is doing absolutely nothing.

zuma will in this lifetime not appoint a commoission of enquiry into state capture, because he is the guilty one. So it will come to nought, unless he is replaced by Ramaphosa. If his ex-wife gets the nomibnation, then God help us, for then they have another two years to rob us blind.

And how about Fikile's holiday in Dubai, of all places ? Who is going to investigate this ?

Sometimes I feel like my friend in Zim : What the fuck now ?


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