[deleted] - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-01 21:43:15

On 2021-02-28 07:30:44 john_adams said:
why do men do this ?!! sorry my dear you girls have done it to me at least 4 times in the last 2 years
what might have happened is this , two years ago I make an appointment with a girl , at the last moment she switches the phone off and I am stuck

a few months ago I make another appointment with a girl , she seems familiar but I am sure I never saw her before ....then it hits me , my little duck from two years ago

so I make sure she thinks I am still coming and at the last moment , I switch my phone off ...

what goes around comes around girls , remember that , or at least try to remember who you canceled on last moment hahahaha

Real petty. You got issues son.
[deleted] - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-01 21:44:04

On 2021-02-28 08:21:57 john_adams said:
simple , because it makes them think , you see it's like pain , pain is a method to make idiots stop what they are doing and think "how can I avoid this pain next time ?"

it's how idiots learn

This guy has serial killer potential. Hannibal is that you?
[deleted] - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-01 21:53:22

If you get ghosted 4 times in 2 years you should really consider yourself lucky, especially if you're a really active punter. There are some gents out there who are really bad at decision making and then come cry on here even though reviews warned them to stay away.
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-03-01 22:05:31

[QUOTE;2740551;8 08:21:57 john_adams said: simple , because it makes them think , you see it's like pain , pain is a method to make idiots stop what they are doing and think "how can I avoid this pain next time ?"


If anyone does not think this is a bit creepy I don't know... . how long before this thinking gets transferred to innocent people just because this person clearly enjoys causing pain for reasoning that seems a bit immature.. kids play tit for tat games not clear thinking grownups.

john_adams - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
Basic Member
10 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2021-03-02 08:37:25

@ Cas and red , so my behavior disturbs you ? but you say nothing about what Galaxy posted ?
you sleep with married men , wreck marriages when the wife finds out about it , destroy the children's lives who might be in that marriage and you want to point the finger at me for "having issues"

PLEEEEEEASE ! take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror before you start that BS , nobody on this site is a saint
[deleted] - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2021-03-02 08:39:37

I feel sorry for al the ladies who are going to have to deal with this guy. psycho completely!
john_adams - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
Basic Member
10 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2021-03-02 08:43:04

I feel more sorry for the girls who have to deal with the simps and beta males like you ....
Miss Red (aka Louise)
Miss Red (aka Louise) - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
17 May 2018
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Posted: 2021-03-02 09:05:38

On 2021-03-02 08:37:25 john_adams said:
@ Cas and red , so my behavior disturbs you ? but you say nothing about what Galaxy posted ?
you sleep with married men , wreck marriages when the wife finds out about it , destroy the children's lives who might be in that marriage and you want to point the finger at me for "having issues"

PLEEEEEEASE ! take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror before you start that BS , nobody on this site is a saint

JA.. just because I have chosen not to comment on something does not mean I agree or approve of it or for that matter disagree or disapprove ;)

There is a big difference between her situation and yours.

She had deep emotional investment and trust in a relationship on personal level and the betrayal of that has push her to that level of retaliation. Wich is kinda normal for human beings.

You on the other hand don't even know the women you are wanting to punish. That seems a bit like transference of other underlying issues onto this "stranger' and that does not seem quiet normal.

I commented on your post specifically because it gave me chills. I find it very disturbing that someone can plot a scenario to cause pain as a method of teaching a lesson.

As for looking in the mirror.. maybe you should take your own advise.;)

The difference between you and me is the reason why we do things.

Your statement clearly proves that you do things from a deepset desire to cause harm and pain.

Nothing that I do comes from a desire to cause pain or harm in anyway.

Saffron - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
15 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2021-03-02 09:36:39

On 2021-02-28 07:30:44 john_adams said:
why do men do this ?!! sorry my dear you girls have done it to me at least 4 times in the last 2 years
what might have happened is this , two years ago I make an appointment with a girl , at the last moment she switches the phone off and I am stuck

a few months ago I make another appointment with a girl , she seems familiar but I am sure I never saw her before ....then it hits me , my little duck from two years ago

so I make sure she thinks I am still coming and at the last moment , I switch my phone off ...

what goes around comes around girls , remember that , or at least try to remember who you canceled on last moment hahahaha

This is such a dick move. Did you ever try and contact her to find out what happened?

I had a similar thing happen and I can only thank the gods for a decent client. We made a booking and 10min or so before my phone fell in the pool. Of course he couldn't get hold of me but at least he waited a bit and still showed up. He didn't seek revenge or blocked me or anything. And up to today he is one of my favourate clients and gets extra special treatment just because he's a NICE guy.

Saffron - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
15 Jul 2018
Posts to Date: 266
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Posted: 2021-03-02 09:39:17

On 2021-03-02 08:37:25 john_adams said:
@ Cas and red , so my behavior disturbs you ? but you say nothing about what Galaxy posted ?
you sleep with married men , wreck marriages when the wife finds out about it , destroy the children's lives who might be in that marriage and you want to point the finger at me for "having issues"

PLEEEEEEASE ! take a good long hard look at yourself in the mirror before you start that BS , nobody on this site is a saint

OH because WGs are holding guns to clients heads?

Go slutshame yourself for even being a punter.


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