Galaxy @ Be - Sensual
Galaxy @ Be - Sensual - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
31 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2021-02-28 17:20:54

On 2021-02-28 08:10:57 Miss Red (aka Louise) said:
On 2021-02-28 07:30:44 john_adams said: why do men do this ?!! sorry my dear you girls have done it to me at least 4 times in the last 2 years
what might have happened is this , two years ago I make an appointment with a girl , at the last moment she switches the phone off and I am stuck

a few months ago I make another appointment with a girl , she seems familiar but I am sure I never saw her before ....then it hits me , my little duck from two years ago

so I make sure she thinks I am still coming and at the last moment , I switch my phone off ...

what goes around comes around girls , remember that , or at least try to remember who you canceled on last moment hahahaha

WOW... ;(
Two wrongs make a right?

What she did was wrong and there no excuses for it especially if she did not have the decency to explain herself afterwards.

But by doing the same back as "payback", you come off as a very malicious person.

Why do we allow the actions from others make us behave exactly like they do.? Why can't we as humans just say how we feel about things and let it be done with. Why do you let yourself be dragged to their level.

I would've done the same as happy go lucky person as I am lol I live by "don't get mad, get even." It would've been two wrongs if he took his disappointment and did this to someone completely different, but yes, if you are prepared to do something like this to someone it will come back to haunt you somewhere in the future :)

I had a bf that cheated on me. He lived a very lavish lifestyle and as I learned about this and that they went away for two weeks holiday together, I let myself into his place with a packet of Garden Cress seeds. He had the most beautiful Flokati rug in his lounge that he absolutely loved. I poured the seeds, watered it for the next couple of days and he returned with his fling to a beautiful carpet garden lol carpet ruined of course.

I refuse to waste my energy on negative feelings and the only way I know to do that is to do something positive that will help me feel better lol and knowing how he would feel about the carpet being ruined did that for me ;)
Frank the tank
Frank the tank - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
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1 Jan 2020
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Posted: 2021-02-28 17:27:29

On 2021-02-28 16:54:50 Mike Hope said:
Well Frank has certainly made his position on this very clear. LOL

Respect each other. It cuts both ways
Spitefullness payback revenge etc will make everything worse.
Back to basic respect.
Skye - Lin
Skye - Lin - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
8 Mar 2018
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Posted: 2021-02-28 18:31:56

Same happend to me on Friday... It sucks not even a message to say he's not planning on showing up or saying sorry nothing. Doesn't matter who it is(sp or punter) have some respect and say sorry it's sad. Sorry girl
Brooke - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
17 May 2017
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Posted: 2021-02-28 21:19:56

There is so much ugliness in the world. Personally I would write it off to school fees and move on. Still not a nice thing to happen to a lady especially when you have gone to so much effort to make it a special booking but there will always be those that have no consideration for a fellow human being. Karma works in mysterious ways. His karma will come. Sorry this happened to you. Please dont retaliate and stoop to his level.
Take care.
Ziske - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
1 Dec 2015
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Posted: 2021-02-28 21:37:15

I know the feeling I had a client a while ago confirming the booking, all he had to do was ask for the house number when entering the street

His appointment was at 16:00. I got all ready and everything for him. Just to let me know at 15:58 that his meeting will be taking longer than expected and he can't make it.

Uhm could he not have been able to tell me sooner? Anyway at least he let me know
Courtney - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
12 Jan 2021
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Posted: 2021-03-01 18:32:05

On 2021-02-28 09:14:44 Johnny English said:
Courtney, you are so polite and dignified in your posting. Respect to you.
I, for one, will be calling you, Courteous Courtney

LOL well thank you kindly sir

Truth is that i can be mean and horrible when pushed too far just like most people, i just actively try not to expend all that extra negative energy since it doesnt change anything in any case

Appreciate the kindness from you all
[deleted] - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-01 20:04:05

On 2021-02-28 07:30:44 john_adams said:
why do men do this ?!! sorry my dear you girls have done it to me at least 4 times in the last 2 years
what might have happened is this , two years ago I make an appointment with a girl , at the last moment she switches the phone off and I am stuck

a few months ago I make another appointment with a girl , she seems familiar but I am sure I never saw her before ....then it hits me , my little duck from two years ago

so I make sure she thinks I am still coming and at the last moment , I switch my phone off ...

what goes around comes around girls , remember that , or at least try to remember who you canceled on last moment hahahaha

This is dark and a bit weird. Each to their own.
[deleted] - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-01 20:08:22

On 2021-02-28 08:10:57 Miss Red (aka Louise) said:
On 2021-02-28 07:30:44 john_adams said: why do men do this ?!! sorry my dear you girls have done it to me at least 4 times in the last 2 years
what might have happened is this , two years ago I make an appointment with a girl , at the last moment she switches the phone off and I am stuck

a few months ago I make another appointment with a girl , she seems familiar but I am sure I never saw her before ....then it hits me , my little duck from two years ago

so I make sure she thinks I am still coming and at the last moment , I switch my phone off ...

what goes around comes around girls , remember that , or at least try to remember who you canceled on last moment hahahaha

WOW... ;(
Two wrongs make a right?

What she did was wrong and there no excuses for it especially if she did not have the decency to explain herself afterwards.

But by doing the same back as "payback", you come off as a very malicious person.

Why do we allow the actions from others make us behave exactly like they do.? Why can't we as humans just say how we feel about things and let it be done with. Why do you let yourself be dragged to their level.

Humans are bloody weird. You never know what experiences have led to someone acting so weird. I'm on your page Miss Red but I know many people are keen on an eye for an eye.
[deleted] - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-01 20:12:39

On 2021-02-28 17:27:29 Frank the tank said:
On 2021-02-28 16:54:50 Mike Hope said: Well Frank has certainly made his position on this very clear. LOL
Respect each other. It cuts both ways
Spitefullness payback revenge etc will make everything worse.
Back to basic respect.

Spot on Frank.

It's weird that some of us think "respect" and others see it as sucking up to ladies and being a simp. Same action and vastly different interpretations.

We're all very fucking different. Hopefully the ladies have more positive experiences than negative and vice versa for us.

My motto don't be a dickhead. Easy principle to live by doesn't require a Matric.
Kaycee ( The Original Milf)
Kaycee ( The Original Milf) - Re: Why do men do this?
Re: Why do men do this?
4 Oct 2019
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Posted: 2021-03-01 20:39:15

On 2021-02-28 08:21:57 john_adams said:
simple , because it makes them think , you see it's like pain , pain is a method to make idiots stop what they are doing and think "how can I avoid this pain next time ?"

it's how idiots learn

[QUOTE;2737661;john_adams] why do men do this ?!! sorry my dear you girls have done it to me at least 4 times in the last 2 years
what might have happened is this , two years ago I make an appointment with a girl , at the last moment she switches the phone off and I am stuck

a few months ago I make another appointment with a girl , she seems familiar but I am sure I never saw her before ....then it hits me , my little duck from two years ago

so I make sure she thinks I am still coming and at the last moment , I switch my phone off ...

what goes around comes around girls , remember that , or at least try to remember who you canceled on last moment hahahaha [/QUOTE]

You are just an asshole. And everyone here knows it. Two wrongs don't make a right.


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