Need4Passion - Re: Review - Layla - Sandton/Sandown Johannesburg
Re: Review - Layla - Sandton/Sandown Johannesburg
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8 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2021-04-28 15:39:51
Edited: 2021-04-28 15:40:36

On 2021-04-28 12:37:02 fastforward said:
Brilliant review Mod..
You have nailed so many issues we as punters experience. It's so unfortunate you had to donate so much money..
I've also had many of those Plan A, B and C failures

That's usually when things go to shit when we plan so far and it don't go according to plan. We scramble to compensate and fuck up and pay school fees.

I've done it too many times, especially when booking a lady at a venue and going there to be told she's in a booking or not at work. Obviously baiting and I fell so many time picking other crap from the like up. Now I just leave if the researched lady isn't there.


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