[deleted] - Re: Coffee date with a regular
Re: Coffee date with a regular
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-30 19:31:49

On 2021-03-29 22:30:24 DManburgh said:

Well I never really thought about it that way and it does make sense. At times I'd like to book her for the whole weekend and just do all these things with her at a hotel ( you know change of scenery), but then think about the rejection so I end up not bringing it up. She does do all nighters and has wanted me to have one with her, but I would like for us to do that somewhere else but she's reluctant to travel so I do not press the matter.
It would've been great though, because out of all the SPs I know so far, she is my utmost favorite so I guess that's why I do not mind spending more than I ordinarily would.

Why do I get a sense that you've never reviewed this favourite of yours? Not that a review is a must.

Back to your dilemma - the answer is simple, she does not trust that your intentions are pure. She doesn't trust men in general. You can do overnights at her place of comfort, but anywhere else is a no go because of the trust issues. If you look close enough by removing your rose tinted glasses, you'd see that there are red flags and should thank your lucky stars that she declined.

Lastly, there's no boyfriend or family member that she's worried about, she just views things in black and white which is why she'll never change her mind.

Find another lady to spend the weekend away with - there are plenty out there who can match her chemistry with you.
LuisG - Re: Coffee date with a regular
Re: Coffee date with a regular
Basic Member
15 Oct 2020
Posts to Date: 11
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Posted: 2021-03-31 08:04:21

This is going to come across as a brag, but I'm sharing it anyway.

I've only ever been out for coffee or meals with one SP over the years, and not only would she not charge for her time, she always insisted on paying the bill too.

I think this was her way of telling me that the friendship/connection was genuine and she had no ulterior motives.

The friendship ended up being stronger than the business relationship, and we stopped doing bookings together and just hang out occasionally.

If circumstances were a little different, I'm pretty sure we would have considered taking the relationship beyond friendship, but I'm pretty happy with the way things turned out.

It's easy to have doubts about how sincere an SP is when she tells you that she really likes you, but when she starts asking you out and always foots the bill, that doubt disappears and it's a nice feeling to be honest.

She's also one of only two SPs who ever gave ME gifts.

That may be worth another thread. "Have you ever received gifts from an SP?"


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