[deleted] - Woman who love being RIMMED
Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47

Are there any ladies out there, escorts, clients, girlfriends or therwise who LOVE being rimmed. I'm most willing to oblige and lick your sweet arse till you cum! Email me
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47

Hey it's Cocksucker - I guess you have gone as low as you can now you wanting to lick someones s.h.i.t hole - well done - would you mind if someone actually crapped in your mouth?
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47


Just because you are a narrow minded fool who has yet to discover the finer points of love making, dont go shooting your mouth off just yet. @!#$ has nothing to do with it, its the same as saying those who suck cock like having piss in their mouth.Maybe your lovers all have shitty arse holes, but have you ever heard of a shower or a bath? Keep your niavity to yourself.
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47

Ho ho Ho HA ha ha for the faggott who claims to have never sworn or used foul language on this forum has just done so ... HA HA HA

And yes S.H.I.T is a crude and disgusting word especially for someone who claims to be superior and have the gift of the gab and command the english laguage with charm and wit!

btw I'd never suck a cock for one it would be like having a piss in my mouth, but if some girl - and only a girl is happy to have my cock in her mouth regardless what she thinks of it I'm happy it there and I couldn't care what she thinks.

I supose for a faggott licking another @!#$ and having sweaty heary balls slap you in the face is the finer points of love making - god that thought just wants to make me puke. What next cause how you have F.u.c.ked sucked licked, stuffed all sorts of contraptions into every orifice you have?

Sick sick sick .... you guys need serious help!
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47

Renaldo my boy

I think it's time you start taking your medication on a regular basis. Three times a day is just not frequent enough.
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47

I don't think there is anything wrong with being open minded..I don't do rimming but if CL likes it he must go ahead....I won't call it love making but I will call it adding some more detail into love making....or just plain simple fun. Different strokes for different folks.
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47

Ronaldo, you're going to be late for practice if you keep hanging around this forum.

Please be at Old Trafford on time today for a change, and leave your KY Gel at home... we know what you use it for in the changerooms...


P.S. We will be playing "bum and willy wrestling" after practice. We know how much you enjoy it.
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47


You are an illiterate fool. Your messages don't even make sense. Enjoying rimming has nothing to do with being gay. Many woman find being rimmed the most erotic and intimate experience they know. Go back to the dark ages where your intelligence and attitudes belong.

I'm still waiting for some bold woman out there to contact me so I can demonstrate the finer points of rimming to her. Sorry, only WOMAN allowed as I am strictly straight, unlike Ronaldo!
alphie - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Basic Member
22 May 2003
Posts to Date: 52
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:47

Well put CL!

He is probably one of those cavemen that believes that making love is "get on and ride until I am done!"
[deleted] - Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Re: Woman who love being RIMMED
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:48

So after all this... any girls who like being rimmed?


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