NOMAD - Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
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22 Jan 2006
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:52

Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,humm only thing i can come up with is:

Whats better then having sex with a woman? Well the answer is,,,,,,,,,having sex with a different woman lol.

I guess the excitement,its like having sex for the 1st time all over again,,,,that kind of excitement.

Im extremely carefull as well,,,,,,,,,,i mean,,,,,,,,,,you dont wanna give any disease to the woman that loves you and thinks the world of you.

Or is it because we just men ?
[deleted] - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53

It is because most men want there bread buttered on both sides and still eat it.
[deleted] - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53

Nomad - In a simple word, "variety". The past taught us that women were all alike. Forgive the crude expression but having seen one pussy, you've seen them all. Today we know that's just not true.

I had an absolute obsession once with girls from a particular part of the world and at last decided I had to have one, purely to qualm my curiousity. End result, I couldn't wait for the 'ordeal' to end. And I spent money on that...?! Gawd...! What was I thinking? But then again it's the old cliche' of one mans meat is anothers poison.

That put me off sex workers for a while but in time I tried again.

Before I met my wife, I had a blonde fiancee who was unfortunately killed in a car crash. Now my wife is a stunning red head. Really! But that didn't change the fact that I still yearned for blondes and hence I eventually paid for one. Well, I don't bother remembering their stage names, but she must have been good because it wasn't that long before I had another, and then another and another and... Yeah, you get the picture.

So I'm kind of of an average guy. Run my own small business importing equipment from Australia (puke) and reselling it to business here. No big deal, but being Joe Average means I also fantasize and boys being boys, there is always some mate who will tell you his fantasy is to make it with two women in the same session. Hey...! To those guys who have, I'm happy for you... but I'm Joe Average and the big deal in my life was to knock off from work early one day, spend some money in the afternoon on "Diane" (yeah right), come home, have dinner, go to bed and do the wife. Two different women in the same day... Whoopee! So what to you, big deal to me.

Times change again. I'm homophobic, but the concept of another guy banging my wife creeps into the fantasy realm. I tell her to close her eyes and imagine she's being taken by another guy and believe me, she goes nuts! One orgasm after the next and so Mr. Imagination hangs around awhile until consentually we agree to try this for real.

Ah...! The MMF threesome. If you don't believe me, do some research on male fantasy. You will find that some 36% of (married) guys are actually turned on by the concept of watching another guy banging the wife. Bummer thing was though that five different dudes later, the redhead now tells me that she actually doesn't like any of them. Damn! I was really into this. So now I'm just the guy with the camera who takes the pictures for the couple who want a still of the load across her perfectly made up face.

But as I get older, I find my taste in women changes. Glamour models have been replaced with a love for MILFs. You know the type, neat, clean, respectable, natural looking soccer mom types. The types Jerry Hall once described as cordon bleu experts in the kitchen and wild whores in the bedroom.

It's a personal opinion I know and I respect that 80% of guys reading this will tell me I'm wrong, but the hipster wearing belly / nose ring girls of today leave me cold. And those studs / rings in the tongue...? Please... Get real girls. The word is 'natural'. And that additional kilo or two she keeps bitching about... leave it alone! It's beautiful! (Just don't let it get to be more than that). Skinny is out!

So there you have it Nomad. Variety.

Still awake?
[deleted] - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53

Very interesting and I share most of your views - Now, where do I meet your wife ;-)
PimpZA - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
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4 Jul 2006
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53

Well put Gareth - I share most of your views, particularly about MILFs. The young 'uns leave me cold (and I'm only in my early 30s).

As to why I do this? Well, it's hard to say - variety is always a convenient excuse, but I have a feeling that for some of us it may be more. I'm sure a good number of us are sex addicts (in much the same way as people are addicted to alcohol or drugs). Oh well, don't want to get too heavy here, so I'll leave it at that.

Cheers, PimpZA
[deleted] - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53

well said, pimpza.
But, wait until you get to your 40's. Than, even girls 30 and older leave you uninterested. Not to mention that at 18 year old girls start looking to you like kids. That is the nature i gues, and there is beauty about it.
Chimaera - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53


I agree with you on most things. Just not about being married and doing it but thats my own personal stance.

As for me, No girlfriend, no wife. Its an addiction and I think the variety is also an appeal ( which might be a problem if I ever get to settle down with one woman ). Its has given me the freedom to experiment alot and I to have come to the conclusion that MILF's are the best. Some times you just want someone young and tight in which I have found Thai ladies to be the best as they generally do give great service as well.

[deleted] - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53

Chimaera - Thanks for the message and likewise to the other respondents.

Remember my bit about the ladies 'from a particular part of the world' who I can no longer stand? But the cliches' are rampant and wouldn't the world be boring if we all had the same taste in women.

We agree on the MILFs though. Is it just my opinion or are they really looking better nowadays?

I do the grocery shopping in the household and I'm convinced it's because I like standing at the tills and watching the soccer moms.

Oh gawd! I'm beginning to sound like a pervert...

I digress.

Thanks again C.
Johan200 - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
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8 Nov 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53

I don't keep girlfriends for long, I simply have a fear of commitment and that 2 kids and a nice house @!#$. I've found myself to be more reserved when with a girlfriend, you know, here you get to have intercourse, no hard F.U.C.K.I.N.G allowed usually.

But really, I'm not shy to admit that I'm totally addicted to sex. unlike Michael Douglas, there's no way I'm going to see shrink to help me with it. Whether its a one night stand with a poppie I picked up at Presley's or Maders or paying for it, I just have to @!#$ every single day.
Chimaera - Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Re: Why we do this and our wives and girlfreinds?
Basic Member
6 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:53


On the subject of MILFs can any one recommend some in the Jozi Area ? I seem to be struggling finding any good ones lately.



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