PussyLover - Value for Money
Value for Money
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21 Nov 2005
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

How this for value for money. A stunning black chick (ex model). Got some oral, some excellent rimming, a good f&*k in 3 different positions, some more rimming, then she whiped off the condom and finished me off by letting me come in her mouth. All at a 'clean' venue and all for only R200.00.
hunkie07 - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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7 May 2002
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

and who was this ?
whats the contact ?
Barry Bloggs
Barry Bloggs - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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2 Mar 2006
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Go and get a health check or next time try some Russian Roulette with a loaded gun, far safer! Have you heard SA has one of the worlds highest incidents of HIV. I can see you don't care what you get or who you infect if you pick anything up. For 200 Rand you muct be really desperate mate!
[deleted] - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

I find it highly unlikely that you got all of that for R200.00, at least, not from someone with the looks you described. Give us some more details.

As for Barry Bloggs' comment, the chances of you contracting HIV while receiving oral is about 0.5% (I can find the reference for you if you want). The person _giving_ oral has a 1% chance of contracting HIV from an infected partner.

While not quite Russian Roulette, 0.5% is still pretty high when there's no cure. (Please, don't talk to me about eating garlic and 'erbs to cure AIDS!)

Basically, it boils down to whether there are breaks in the skin in person's mouth and/or on your dick, etc.

HIV aside, there are some other nasties you can catch from unprotected oral sex (herpes, etc.) which are VERY easy to catch, even if you have no skin breaks!

In this country, if you're "sexually active", you should really be having an HIV test every 3-6 months. Takes 5 minutes at the clinic...
PussyLover - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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21 Nov 2005
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

I was intending to publish the lady's details here, but because of arseholes like Barry Bloggs I think I should keep my find to myself. Ignorance is the biggest problem with AIDS, and Barry Bloggs did a sterling job of displaying his. There are too many idiots like Barry Bloggs visiting this forum.
Barry Bloggs
Barry Bloggs - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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2 Mar 2006
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Sure mate and you must be the bigest idiot of us all!! CT24 says it all, have safe sex fine, do you do, with a cheap end slapper, then examine your dick carefully b4 you use it again. You can keep your 200 rand chick for yourself!!!
[deleted] - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Well well it didnt surprise me that pussylover had the best time for the best charge cause I am of the same shoes as pussylover and I continuosly receive the best treatment from the woman of african origins and I love them to bits. Exactly as he said I also receive the same.

There is no ways the women from some site and so called good looking could and will serve their clients in the manner that these beautiful black women offer with the srvice that every man would want. I am not joking there women are beautiful and have hardly any restriction.

I concur with pussylover and keep the secret for yourself cause you barry bloggs do not know the difference of being looked after and taken care from these beautiful balck women..

I have said it before on this forum .....I have tasted and shall always go back for more of these chocolate babes.

They are the best.
Barry Bloggs
Barry Bloggs - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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2 Mar 2006
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

These women are desperate to make a buck, to feed the 4 kids and parents that they have to support! They don't like you, they are just acting, all the women are, wake up to the reality, women are in this business not to fall in love with you but to make money, this is why it is the worlds oldest profession. They are most happy when you close the door behind you and they then chat to there mates over how difficult or how big a tosser you are....
[deleted] - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Well well my first comment will be to indulge and I guess he has a "scew beck" because back in the Apartheid days he would walk past his maid and out of the corner of his mouth say "seen jou in die garage" - is this where you got your flavour for black chicks.

PussyLover I just hope to god you not screwing any other chicks besides the dirt cheap ones so at least your disease risk remains contained and you don't spread it around to any of the higher class whores and god help you if you are married or have a girlfriend. - Naaa I doubt it... A guys who have to pay R200 for a F.uck must be some sort of social retard and that the best they can do.
[deleted] - Re: Value for Money
Re: Value for Money
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Pity for u Renaldo ...... I will not get involved with racial undertones or politics. Everyone is entitled to their opinions as Barry mentioned but none of us has attacked each others personality but merely stating and concurring a person's statemtent on this forum.

I agreed with the said person because I have experienced them and I believe what he said is true.

Now you attacked me without knowing me is uncalled for and I would take it for granted that you are good ou but certainly I have no rite to attack you because this forum is not about you and me but our experiences, good or bad. that is what will help us to improvise or be more ensightful about dealing with these girls.

To enlighten you I am 32 yrs old and have acquired my own IT business six yrs ago and my best mate is black. I live in a beautiful penthouse and have all the pleasures I want while it lasts. I have dated beautiful black chicks and have not looked back. No pun intended for anyone but thats just my taste and I luv them chocolate babes. I have tried them all, white, indians, coloured, chinese, etc and shall continue.

au revoir amigos..


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