Miss Fleur
Miss Fleur - New Age Self-Help Books
New Age Self-Help Books
22 Jul 2022
Posts to Date: 141
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Posted: 2022-12-06 12:27:56
Edited: 2022-12-06 12:50:55

Hi Purple world

So I thought I would do a post on a different topic every now and then.

It's a great way to get people to engage and share different opinions and perspectives.

Also a view into personality types :)

So, why I think New Age Self-Help Books is a crock of shit....
(My own experience)

Being a very sensitive and socially awkward, shy teen and a bit of a prude before I started in the industry, ha ha....
Yes, you guessed it, I turned to self help books, E-books, blogs and various articles and so on.

1. The secret
Yes in a way you attract like minded vibes and energies.
However a bit far fetched when it comes to believing with all your heart you will eventually stay in a mansion if you work a normal 9am-5pm.

2. Why men love bitches
Actually the best I have read as a self help for "nice" girls. It is true that if you are too nice you eventually become a doormat....

3. Think like a lady, Act like a man. Not too bad either, however I doubt most men will wait for 3 months to get intimate with a lady. So potentially a way to chase away a good match.

Besides chemistry and attraction is a strange thing..... We are after all hardwired to seek intimacy and connection.

4. Positive thinking.
Not bad at all.... However, can be a disaster if you whole-heartedly believe..... Bad things happen which can lead to resentment.

5. The very clever salesmen that place a scientific label on their published works. Eg.... Saying x, y and z, using this phrase during this moment will release endorphins like dopamine which will instantly make you more attractive to your crush.

6. If I left something out. Feel free to share xoxo


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