gooseberry22 - Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
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22 Apr 2012
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Posted: 2012-06-18 17:54:24

Right... here we go.

First off, great site and fantastic forum. Nice to see a good online community for this type of service offering.

I'm pretty new to this, and like with most things I embark on, I start with research. This site has been invaluable for that.

So, research done, I have freed up the required time, and I am looking for the following:

- I'm an Indian South African, so "Right of Admission" is a no-go. That said, perhaps someone can guide me: Can I assume that ladies who don't state right of admission are open to all? Obviously I would still ask when making an appointment, but is it generally a safe assumption?

- GFE + bit of PSE

- I want to spend at least 5 hours in a comfortable, clean, warm venue. Probably 11am to 4pm or similar.

- I'm not desperate for anonymity, but at the same time, I'd rather not go to a venue with high traffic. Ideally, I'm after a private house with one or two girls working from there.

- Again, I'm new to this, so there is some nervousness and apprehension. I need someone who is adept at making customers feel comfortable. I've got pretty low self esteem when it comes to sexual ability and equipment, so I need someone who can not only make me feel better about myself, but do it in a way that is somewhat sincere - ie: don't tell me I have a huge cock or am the best lay ever.

- Kissing is a must

- I prefer giving to receiving - so being able to go down is a must too - I can easily spend an hour or two on just massaging a girl, kissing, and a dive.

- I love food. This has a bit of a double meaning - I love to cook, and I am also interested in sexual play with food. Ideally, the place I go to will have an equipped kitchen and we can make some lunch and have some fun in the kitchen during the day.

- I am a smoker. I don't mind a no-smoking in the bedroom rule, but I'd rather not have to go outside in the cold whenever I want one, and I don't want to have to be super-conscious of smoke breath. So ideally, I'd like to be with a girl who also smokes.

- I enjoy the occasional toke of the good herb, especially when sex is on the cards. This is not a must, but if there are girls who don't mind me smoking a joint (outside is fine for this one), that would be cool. One that would share it with me would be even better!

- Oh, almost forgot - I'm in JHB, central to northern. Don't want to travel too far, so PTA is out for the first visit.

There's more, but that's probably enough for now.

A question:

- Am I making a rookie mistake wanting to book someone for 5hrs on the first visit? I can see that poor chemistry could lead to a waste of time and money, but I am also worried about spending an hour with someone, wanting to stay, and not being able to due to her having other appointments. Advice on this conundrum would be welcome.

So after weeks of browsing and reading this site, I think I've narrowed my options down a bit.

Now I need to know if any of my options are unsuitable for my list of wants above. Or if I have missed out anyone who may be perfect for what I'm after.

My options:

- Siann
- Tamica - I'd like to know a bit more about the venue though.
- Zahava
- Valentina - primarily due to the reviews, but I can't figure out the vibe with her venue at the moment. Please shed some light on this. I'm also a little intimidated by reviews - again, my self esteem issues.
- Xtacee - see Tamica re venue.
- Aurora - not sure if she sees Indian clients, and not sure if the venue would be right for me at this stage. If there are no issues with race at the Thursday parties, I definitely see myself attending one soon!
- Arizona - see above
- Shanty - this woman intrigues me! I can't figure out if FH is on offer or not, so please let me know. Regardless, I will definitely pay her a visit at some point too.

So, if you read this far, I would appreciate any pointers, advise and recommendations. I would also really appreciate hearing from any working girls on the site who think they would be prime candidates to ease me in.
[deleted] - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2012-06-18 18:22:45

Jeez pal, you're not asking for much. Good luck.
gooseberry22 - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Basic Member
22 Apr 2012
Posts to Date: 2
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Posted: 2012-06-18 18:37:45

Ha. I suppose it is a long list - I'm glad I cut it short now!

Though, if you read it, it's not particularly outlandish is it?
[deleted] - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2012-06-18 18:42:15

No, not at all. You've obviously done your homework on what you want. As I say, good luck.
gooseberry22 - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Basic Member
22 Apr 2012
Posts to Date: 3
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Posted: 2012-06-18 18:43:18

Thanks mate. Like I say, first time and I like my research.
QCumber - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
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17 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2012-06-18 19:10:03

My advice... Siann
gooseberry22 - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Basic Member
22 Apr 2012
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Posted: 2012-06-18 19:20:58

Thanks QCumber. Could you tell me a bit about her venue? From what I've seen she works alone in a private apartment/house?
QCumber - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Gold Member
17 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2012-06-18 19:27:30

Call her and talk to her bud, she works from a pvt classy apartment in sandton with shower facilities.
gooseberry22 - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Basic Member
22 Apr 2012
Posts to Date: 5
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Posted: 2012-06-18 19:29:53
Edited: 2012-06-18 19:30:21

Cool, thanks. I'll let this thread play out as I'm looking to make a booking for next week, so further comment and advice is welcome.

Sian remains top of the list as things stand and I'll give her a call soon.
QCumber - Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Re: Decisions, Decisions, Decisions....
Gold Member
17 Aug 2011
Posts to Date: 900
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Posted: 2012-06-18 19:41:53

She may be in CT, so give her a call


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