[deleted] - Single wonder
Single wonder
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-05 16:29:56

Sitting at work this afternoon browse thru this site and looking thru all the stunning gorgeous women pics!!!!!! There are lots of ladies that hav almost perfect beauty!!!! Then i wonder hw on earth can sooooo beautiful women be " single" i knw why they what they do. But hw can most of then not being taken like married for example. What did there ex bf do
[deleted] - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-05 16:42:08

Crossed my mind as well.

A few years ago I met a stunning girl in Pretoria. Was married for many years. Had 2 kids. We got to know each very well - and I spent a lot of Mandelas on her every month. She did it to support hubby and kids - hubby had a low-paid job. I even dropped and fetched her at the venue most evenings.

Suppose most girls have similar stories - support families.
[deleted] - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-05 16:49:20

I kn why they do it its cause of there kids!!!!! But hw does a man leave such gorgeous ladies!!!!!!
JustJay11 - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
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5 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2019-01-05 17:00:07

On 2019-01-05 16:49:20 Waterbok83 said:
I kn why they do it its cause of there kids!!!!! But hw does a man leave such gorgeous ladies!!!!!!

Maybe they're irritating. Maybe they're selfish. Maybe they're demanding, boring, suffocating, clingy, or dishonest. Maybe they're irresponsible with money. Maybe they're messy. Maybe they're promiscuous, or manipulative, or they party too much or they don't know how to express affection. Maybe they don't even want boyfriends/ girlfriends. Maybe they've continually sacrificed relationships for the sake of their careers, or maybe they just haven't found the right man/ woman yet.

Basically what I'm saying is there could be a million reasons why any one of these ladies may be single, (those of them who are). Being beautiful doesn't guarantee anything. Let's just be grateful that with a few basic manners, a clean pipi, and some money, we can have the honour of spending an hour or two in their company.
Nickey Blue
Nickey Blue - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
15 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2019-01-05 17:25:19

my view

being single is best for me and my work circumstances ...

yes i sacrifice a part of my life so that i can be in a relationship in the future but this is best for me at this moment in time

no one should be alone
but while being single you get stronger by the day
you learn who you are
you learn how to control your emotions
you appreciate having company when its there ...
you face yourself and you ask the questions ...
sometimes you get answers ...

the sunscreen song by Baz Luhrman
is an inspiration to me always

Bbw Nadia
Bbw Nadia - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
18 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2019-01-05 17:32:15

On 2019-01-05 16:49:20 Waterbok83 said:
I kn why they do it its cause of there kids!!!!! But hw does a man leave such gorgeous ladies!!!!!!

Because looks aren't everything or perhaps she left the arsehole.
[deleted] - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2019-01-05 17:32:48

Crossed my mind plenty of times, but the ladies have their reasons.

One reason I can think of is :
Would you as a guy be happy knowing what your partner does in this industry. ( unless you are open minded and don't have major issues ) ?

I think it makes life easier for the ladies while in this industry to be single - less drama to deal with guys and their ego's, and when they leave the industry, they can then focus on meeting the right one.
Mynx - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
5 Mar 2014
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Posted: 2019-01-05 18:13:51

No relationship is there to make you happy. It is only there to make you concious.
Kisses, Mynx
Ray Ray
Ray Ray - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
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23 Jul 2011
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Posted: 2019-01-05 18:45:16

There Definitely are many gorgeous women on here but one should never feel Intimidated by looks or think how someone so gorgeous can be single, at the end we all humans with the same flaws, struggles & different personalities,even a gorgeous lady in your eyes can feel an indescribable emptiness and be alone for a million different reasons.

All I know is it would take a pretty brave man to knowingly let's his wife/gf openly operate in this industry.

Whatever the case maybe we should just be appreciative of all these beautiful women we get to enjoy ...

#Lovemuff&Ticklemyball - Re: Single wonder
Re: Single wonder
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2 Jan 2019
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Posted: 2019-01-05 18:53:34

I have to agree with JustJay11 , there could be numerous reasons for this phenomenon of WG's being single but I have known many that were not single and supporting a husband they sometimes spoke about these spouses in dismay and degrading ways' yet never did anything about it.
Then I have known SP's that where unable to hold on to a relationship due to the fact that the source of income degraded any meaningful relationship purely by destructing any trust and sowing the seed of insecurity.
And the third factor is that even though we may see a body of A goddess or legs on an imaginary angel that was supposedly made in heaven there is so much more needed in the mutual gratification of a relationship than offered by any SP, they tick some boxes but they do not fulfill the most crucial required to have in a lifetime relationship....

1) Love - cannot be built when trust is constantly in the frey
2) Stability - there is virtually none
3) Budgets - fluctuates and money sense is horrible mostly easy come easy go usually to the wrong places
4) Medical - connected to budget highly improbable
5) Insurance - Possible but also doubtful
6) Intelect - Challenging at best, not always non present but scarce
7) Aesthetics - 85% neglected due to budget constraints only important for bookings and photo shoots
8) Bad habits - due to stress of Budget constraints
9) Personality - Mostly hard wired that the pussy makes the rules misconception that the said Item is worth anything to men
10)Trust - Most SP's have none directly attributed by the industry they work in and are hellishly jealous and suspicious in their own relationships
11) Dependency issues - Unfortunately mostly dependent to something whether it be cigarettes or booze to more hardcore substances
12) Sex never means much - SP's are used to getting paid the lack of reward quickly becomes a sacrifice that is regarded as such when it should be cherished and chased in a loving relationship, think about it when you guys regularly punt and or jerk off the pay off is that you don't really want any back home , same principal applies she gets it daily why would she want it from the home front especially when its in her down time....

Being in numerous relationships with SP's in my life you learn why girls go into the sex industry. Primary reasons are

A. Lack of employable skills
A lot of these girls are untrained and have very little marketable skills in the "real world". For them this industry is relatively quick and easy money. This can get tempting for some.

B. Poor parental relationships
Some do it out of spite against their parents.

C. Mental disorders
Somewhat connected to #11. Some have mental disorders that makes them hard to work in the real world. ADHD, Bipolar, Personality Disorder, Social Anxiety, etc.

D. To pay off debt
Again, if you need to pay off a debt by a certain date, prostitution makes it far easier than a normal job. Which has a snowball effect as mentioned in #3 Easy come easy go.

Anyways - all this is just one aspect of such A relationship. We spent maybe 1% of the time talking about her job. The other 99% were normal couple stuff - wake up, make coffee, talk about the day, watch TV, go to the mall, travel together etc. These experiences were not any different from a normal relationship. Future planning was impossible, the thought of how to integrate in a normal day job was daunting then the socio economic scenario takes the credit there is no work directly related to A) above lack of prospects, constant need for financial bailouts kind of like Greece and SAA and Eskom....

I could go on but this is the jest of my thoughts on this topic .....


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