Arizona - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
17 Feb 2004
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Posted: 2016-10-18 22:20:35
Edited: 2016-10-18 22:21:29

Economics are cyclical...

Look at our history but also take note of what is happening in the rest of Africa? Including countries you wouldn't usually look at. And also consider world wide situations.

And look at all countries currently going through electoral and political changes, or supposed changes? In the last 3 years and next 3 years?

[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-10-19 07:21:25
Edited: 2016-10-19 07:23:45


In general one can make the assumption that economics are cyclical. In my humble opinion we are not seeing any cyclical movements here.

The impact of political interference is driving our economy into the ground. zuma and pikkewyntjie (please note the lower case implicating ZERO RESPECT) is presiding over a monumental fuck-up.

I am beginning to think that most people live in a "Ostrich" situation, bury your head in the ground and don't worry about the rest of the world.

IF they continue down this road of destruction, Siberia will be a warm and fuzzy place to visit as oppose to SA.

The effect of a possible downgrade to junk status will have a severe impact on all.

Enough said about it, the wheels are in motion and will play out soon enough. Some people are already speculating who the next Minister of Finance will be. Rest assured, he will be the one that will give zums the keys to the Treasury, bankrupting SA in the process.

Let me put my head in the sand today, I am already depressed as it is and join my fellow South Africans into believing that tomorrow will take care of tomorrow. Enjoy driving that nice new car you just bought, the fully mortaged house, the range of almost-full credit cards.

Winter is already here, we are just not accepting it yet. We are waiting for the final confirmation when zums fuck us up the ass, we are using the lube to make it enjoyable.

Enjoy the last few days before junk bond status arrives. Capital has already started flowing out, capital expenditure has been put on hold, and companies are already investing offshore. Pretty soon they will leave the JSE and seek new listings elsewhere.

Wolkie - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Gold Member
10 Aug 2016
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Posted: 2016-10-19 07:38:23

Pieter couldn't agree more to you. Word is out that the next Minister of Finance will be Mikwze the current Sec of Treasury he is from KZN. Then they will rob/steal this country.
Sibyl - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
6 Sep 2016
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Posted: 2016-10-19 08:56:41

On 2016-10-18 21:59:28 Shenanigans said:
This is too funny not to share. Read it for a good laugh:

I have been a subscriber of ben's blog for quite a few years now, get email notification each time he publishes a new post. Absolutely love his wit and writing style!
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-10-19 09:04:39
Edited: 2016-10-19 09:05:01

Goeie genugtig ! Does this mean we got to stock up with tinned food, fuel and water again ? Or can we just use the 1994 stock ?
Sibyl - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
6 Sep 2016
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Posted: 2016-10-19 09:22:04
Edited: 2016-10-19 10:22:23

On 2016-10-19 09:04:39 honeybear said:
Goeie genugtig ! Does this mean we got to stock up with tinned food, fuel and water again ? Or can we just use the 1994 stock ?

Since water doesn't really go off and since expiration dates on food is a money making scheme, I'd say that your 1994 stock should

Anyway, I am a firm believer in being prepared for any eventuality.

Look when we had water problems a few years ago in jhb. People were having physical fights in shops over bottled water in the affluent northern suburbs no less, yet do you think most of the residents of jhb afterwards, when the water got restored, thought to themselves, okay, so it IS actually possible that water services can be shut down for days and that shops may run out of bottled water, so let me put up a rain barrel and let me sommer also stock up on some water, in case this happens again. I dare say, I think the answer is a resounding NO.

When we had massive loadshedding in 2008, people bitched and moaned to no end. After the crisis, did the majority of people say to themselves, okay, so it IS actually possible that we can be without power for many days, so let me invest in alternative power sources, in case this happens again, so that I will have power to cook and have light in my house? I dare say, I think the answer is a resounding NO.

Bottom line, our very existence is tied to government itself, in the form of governmental institutions and the economy. Government is the parent, and we are its dependent grown up children, who by choice refuse to take responsibility for our existence & doing something proactive to protect and buffer ourselves, refuse to think of what may happen when our parent fucks up and/or can no longer look after us........
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-10-31 19:36:32
Edited: 2016-10-31 20:17:47


What a week.

seunie abrahams had to fall on the sword. Which he did. Not gracefully. And the calls for him to be disbarred suddenly reverberating around the halls. Why ?

He only did what he was told. He is a puppy. A stupid puppy. But a well-trained puppy.

When zums said charge Pravin, he jumped. It was HIS decision to continue. Scrambling last week for more info, only to find that early retirements are the order of the day. You cunts started it, getting rid of the whities, giving them early retirement packages.

How utterly fascinating and thoroughly ironic then that the same principle would come back and bite you in the ass.

And all the ambient noise around abrahams, is a carefully (if zums can be thought of having coherent thoughts, the man can't read for fucks sake) executed plan to bury the next heap of shit coming our way. Pravin's case was a smokescreen. They needed him away. For sure. But the whole fucking world cannot be wrong.

Much the same as in 1990, when the world demanded Nelson's release. They can't all be wrong. And in the end, he was our saviour. All of us. Instead of plunging us into a biter war, we actually had a chance to rebuild this great land of ours.

Woody Guthrie sings about :
"This Land is your land, this land is my land".... carries on with California, but you get the point. Ends up with : "This land was made for you and me"

And it did get better. There are many many less poor people in SA now. Schooling is a right, but not tersiary education you dumb fucks. Social help expanded, free medical to those in need.

Then along came this cunt. Raping all and sundry, literally.

Next up : the ratings agency will not let go. I am predicting that S&P will go junk, Moodys and Fitch maybe, maybe not. That is called a "soft" junk status. But it will only last till the next scandals erupt.

Why is Madonsela's report being blocked ? Maybe because zums can't fucking read ? In that case, you are named you dimwit as a collaborator, raper of our resources, selling your miserable fucking soul to the guppies, they promising you a wellfare package, you now desperate to collect with your myriad of wives, concubines, kids etc. They must eat. Could you not think that you cannot afford that on your pay ? You are a state employee.

Watch out for super shit in the Madonsela report.

The SABC fired Tian Olivier. More shit coming from there.

SA Airways still fucking along, they need to fire the excess staff, who incidentally all vote ANC.

PRASA fuck-up still coming.

Eskom bubble to burst.

The 19 billion in Student Loans not collectable.

zwane joining des van rensburg in their motion. The next puppies. Both implicated with the guppies.

The list goes on

The first snowfall has been postponed, but mark my words :


Lxs - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Gold Member
29 Oct 2016
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Posted: 2016-10-31 19:56:40

Well said Pieter. Love reading your stuff. Pieter the poet.
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-11-01 03:46:30

Thanks Lxs
[deleted] - Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
Re: The Reasons why Winter is Coming
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2016-11-01 04:18:12
Edited: 2016-11-01 04:22:08

Some thoughts on 2017 and our upcoming tax nightmare.

The only thing coming through clearly in Pravin's budget is the fact that there will be a shortage of money for the State to spend.

While it is an aceptable fact of Capitalism that there must be some Governnment participation, it is generally accepted that the cost of maintaining a Government should be within reason. One would also expect such Government to act in good faith when spending monies collected from their subjects, be accountable for it, and scrupulously guard against misspending.

That in a perfect world.

Pravin is up a shitcreek with his fellow members of Government, who have embarked on a raping spree unheard of in SA, which for years went unchecked. Only recently, with world opinion and the declining reserves of SA being put on front page news, are these rapists being put into the spotlight.

We have no idea what shit is about to happen still. But trust me, it is a coming, like a rollercoaster out of control.

What must Government do if the money runs out ? Only two options really. Borrow more monies, or raise taxes.

Borrow more monies :
If your credit rating is good, and your exchange rate is fairly stable, and if you have a reasonable chance of repaying this monies, then it is not a bad option. When your credit rating is bad, like SA, the rate at which you can get monies will be higher, as it is seen as risky investments. You will always be able to borrow monies, like Greece, because someone will always lend you the money. Comes payback time, the fun starts.

And when your debt reaches 50% of GDP, well that is more than a little disconcerting. Going to 53%, not the right direction.

And your sums only work out if there is ample growth in the economy. Not the 0,5% that they predict now, which is perilously close to zero, or lo and behold, negative growth, which means that the economy is contracting instead of expanding.

Which will happen if we revert to junk bond status, as capital will flow like a hurricane out of SA. No investments, which is the prime source of growing our economy. And then recession if you have 3 consecutive quarters of negative growth.

Raise more taxes.
This is the option that Pravin chose. Not really a choice as our means of repaying our debt are being stretched. And the timing for the current ruling party stinks. Raising taxes so close to election is bad for their public image, which is in tatters already. The fear of being pushed out of Government palpable. No longer able to dictate salaries, or even demanding it.

Sources likely to be taxed :
1.)Look out for the new middleclass to be taxed more heavily.

2.)VAT might be increased, with more exemptions for the poor. So more tax for the middle and rich.

3.) Sigarettes and alcohol, yet again

4.) Another fuel levy. Easy to collect.

5.) More toll roads to pay for the current infrastructure, as there is no investment now for new infrastructure. Decaying roads more and more.

6.) A once off levy on retirement funds, hitting again those that are saving. This has been on the cards for a long time, just not implemented yet.

7.) Estate tax will skyrocket. Why let the rich leave assets to their undeserving kids, the kids must work for their own monies, give US the money to waste.

8.) Collections will be more intense.

All of these above will be revealed in the budget speech next year.

But why is it necessary that we levy more and more taxes ? Why is it that the budget has gone into freefall ?

Simple My Dear Watson, the fucks in Goverment are stealing us dry. As fast as Pravin is boosting the coffers, some cunt steals some more.

I ask you with tears in my eays : R 250 bar on Nkandla, and the fuck only has to pay back R 8 Bar? Are we that fucking gullible ?

It starts at the top, floating down, for that is the way of our leaders. The rot has become endemic, we are unable to contain it, for THERE ARE NO PROPER OVERSIGHT. The people working in our Government the most inefficient that you will find anywhere. The ONLY criteria is that you must be a registered member of the anc. That is the way that the anc rewards their cadres.

An endless circle of not live, but decay and corruption on scales unheard of. We hear these things too late. The monies already gone.

We need to be pro-active, but how ?

Think I need that drink now.

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