Fitlike - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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19 May 2015
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Posted: 2015-08-28 14:24:29

Where does Doubleslappedass fit into this? See you overlooked a possible and fairly simple solution. You could just say that you don't have the money but you have a buddy who is loaded and would probably help. Problem is this guy is a bit of a loose moraled individual and may suggest "alternative" repayments. Just like that ball is in her court see how she plays it. If not completely repulsed and open to it, slowly work loose moraled "buddy" out the equation and casually mention that mild mannered and squeaky clean ricky may just be able to scrape the funds together after all.

You're welcome.
rickylick - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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2 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2015-08-28 14:36:43

Lol Doubleslappedass suggested I spend the 10k at Sp
Where Bo would letme screw all the chicks for 3hrs and perhaps get some change.

I might take him with for support if I'm dumped lol

Brb going to give the money.

Lots staff around so not expecting any action

Will meet her at the lifts to the car park . Hopefully quiet.

Looping1 - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Gold Member
10 Mar 2012
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Posted: 2015-08-28 15:29:50

Been gone for sometime ....... Might have cum rite ;)
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2015-08-28 15:43:21

@Johnd Im not married so i wouldnt know but if I had that attitude about my marriage Im pretty sure its dead in the water. If ever you find out that your wife cheated on you let us know how you react, Ive had girlfriends who I cheated on cheat on me and I can honestly say I reacted. Bravado is all good until you in the situation.
rickylick - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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2 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2015-08-28 15:52:00

Anyway gave her the R7000.

We got into a lift and she gave me a hug.
I told her I don't want her to pay back the money but we could have fun.
Buddies with benefits. Told her I would be a friend she could always count on .

She said she's giving it some thought and actually came to hug me.
I grabbed her beautiful butt and squeezed,
Also got a feel of her boob. heavenly :)

I'm actually out of breath lol.

Hopefully next week mon or tues we will have a little more time to chat
Can't wait tocome back to work mon lol

Over the weekend I may express some thoughts for those who are interested and following this soapie .

If not party hard mense :)
CozyHaven - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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27 Mar 2014
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Posted: 2015-08-28 16:03:20

Thought it was 10k. Now its been reduced to 7k?
rickylick - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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2 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2015-08-28 16:11:29

Read my previous posts earlier today .

For strategic reasons I decided to give R7000 today and r3000 mon or tues depending on how many people left in the office after we close.

Luckily I did because Hotties boss decided to go fly his plane and took the day off.

She then made plans to leave at 3 .
I only had a few minutes to give the money and sell my story.

Now I will get a second bite at that cherry :)

Im actually quite optimistic for the first time.
I asked her to promise me she would give the arrangements some thought.
The usual I have more to lose , you can call the shots , it's all about respecting each others feelings -situation etc.
Told her she can call it off whenever she wants.
Got the feeling she might feel she can do this.

Hope springs eternal :) .......
CozyHaven - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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27 Mar 2014
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Posted: 2015-08-28 16:15:52

And a start of a sordid office affair which will blow up in your face soon.
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2015-08-28 16:23:56

Well played sir...
Ubermensch - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Basic Member
12 Jul 2014
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Posted: 2015-08-28 16:41:21

Sorry to burst your bubble, but by giving you a small reward (butt and boob squeeze) she managed to get you bite the bait . I am pretty sure neither you are not the first one for her nor the last one . These are clear signs of stringing you along .

Prepare to pay too much for too little.


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