Gretchen - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
3 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-07-13 21:32:50

[QUOTE;3047516;LuisG] Here's a little experiment to try for those of you working from home.

Ignore the news, ignore whatsapp groups, opinions and stories on the internet or from friends, colleagues and family. Do this for just one week.

Pick one person you trust implicitly, and ask them to let you know if anything happens which would directly impact your personal life.

Shut out everything else.

If you are punting, punt, but again, avoid discussing the outside world.

Get outside more. Listen to the birdsong. Exercise more if you can.
Meditate more. Read / watch some fiction. Renew or take up interest in a hobby. Listen to music.
Greet strangers in passing. Talk to friends (again, about the things we should be grateful for and avoid talking current affairs or politics or anything like that).

Sounds like my daily day. I'm never bored, always busy with a hobby or seven. Don't have a TV, only watch Netflix so I hear what's going on from friends. I enjoy every day like it's my last ..
vampirezn - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
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23 Apr 2010
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Posted: 2021-07-13 23:18:19

Durban and surrounding are war zones, it's sad. Buildings on fire. I don't know how we will ever recover from this..
Courtney - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
12 Jan 2021
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Posted: 2021-07-13 23:44:45

On 2021-07-13 20:44:50 Frank White said:
I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this but I saw an inspirational post on Facebook where people are offering help to businesses affected to assist them with cleaning up or rebuilding with whatever resources they have, be it to go pick up garbage with a bag or offer other help throughtheir businesses such as construction or painting. I think as a country we need to forget that the government is going to do what they should be doing. Yes it is our tax money, but sitting back is not going to help rebuild this country. If it hasn't happened in the last few decades its not going to happen now. It is our country after all, not the government's and we should all do our part to protect and rebuild it, the whole country for all of us not just our little corner of the world. What joy is "I told you everything will go to shit" going to bring us when there is nothing left for us, our kids and our grand kids? Bragging rights? A Nostrodamus award? Id rather help build a functioning country for all South Africans. So I'm going to see where I can do my bit, however small, to rebuild what we have. I know the ESA community consists of people from all walks of life who can all make a contribution big and small. Let's leave politics out of it. All I'm asking is that you think about this and maybe you can contribute in some way to rebuild this land we all call HOME.

Now that right there is a beautiful sentiment.
I am tired of living in a country where nothing changes for the better, and yet we all only ever sit around and complain about it. It's like a national pastime, and it's so much easier than getting up and doing something that might actually make that difference.
And I include myself in that 100%.

One day I hope to have kids, and I dont want to bring them into an environment like this, yes there will always be issues but it doesn't need to be like this.

I'm tired of being a hypocrite, and waiting for someone else to fix the problem, if this is the wake up call we all needed to stop being complacent, then I will take it gladly.

Sloppy Poppy
Sloppy Poppy - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
1 Jul 2016
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Posted: 2021-07-13 23:47:18

On 2021-07-13 23:18:19 vampirezn said:
Durban and surrounding are war zones, it's sad. Buildings on fire. I don't know how we will ever recover from this..

This is scary what we are witnessing especially for our kids,
Today I've went as far as Lalucia to buy fluor to bake bread hence there wasn't bread by the fuel stations not by supermarkets because they're closed, first there que for fuel was so unbelievably,,,,,there's smoke allover no one is happy we all sad don't know what will happen during the night

Cry our beloved country
At the same time am just disappointed with the way ppl handle things like stupidly at a higher level honestly, was checking commodities now hmmmmmm just sad.
peterb - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
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6 Nov 2006
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Posted: 2021-07-14 06:27:18

As Kick said, things are bad out there

Remember that the police cannot shoot as they want, since 99% of the rioters/ looters are unarmed - remember the international hit back from Marikana

Cele can say that they have arrested 756 people - but they stopped arrests as we don't have the court or prison space to handle it. You cannot make a poor person pay an admission of guilt fine

On the upside though, can you imagine the SABC revenue with all the new TV licenses
loverofpunt - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
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25 Aug 2011
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Posted: 2021-07-14 07:17:34

Hier is 'n bietjie eksperiment om te probeer vir diegene van julle wat van die huis af werk.

Ignoreer die nuus, ignoreer whatsapp groepe, menings en stories op die internet of van vriende, kollegas en familie. Doen dit vir net een week.
Kom meer buite. Luister na die volsong. Oefen meer as jy kan.
Mediteer meer. Lees / kyk na 'n bietjie fiksie. Hernu of neem belangstelling in 'n stokperdjie op. Luister na musiek.
Groet vreemdelinge in die verbygaan. Praat met vriende oor die dinge voor egter dankbaar moet wees. vermy praat aktuele sake
Minime V10.1
Minime V10.1 - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
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19 Jul 2018
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Posted: 2021-07-14 07:26:02

On 2021-07-14 07:17:34 loverofpunt said:

Groet vreemdelinge in die verbygaan.

Ek het probeer. Hulle dra TV's en kruideniers ware weg en konnie gesels nie
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-07-14 07:26:08

AnthonyEdwards - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
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16 Dec 2020
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Posted: 2021-07-14 07:45:33

On 2021-07-14 06:27:18 peterb said:

On the upside though, can you imagine the SABC revenue with all the new TV licenses

Do people still have to pay that? The last time a friend bought a TV he used his neighbors late grandfather's brother's old TV licence
Lefty - Re: Current state of SA
Re: Current state of SA
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8 Jan 2013
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Posted: 2021-07-14 07:46:50

On 2021-07-13 20:44:50 Frank White said:
I'm probably going to get a lot of flack for this but I saw an inspirational post on Facebook where people are offering help to businesses affected to assist them with cleaning up or rebuilding with whatever resources they have, be it to go pick up garbage with a bag or offer other help throughtheir businesses such as construction or painting. I think as a country we need to forget that the government is going to do what they should be doing. Yes it is our tax money, but sitting back is not going to help rebuild this country. If it hasn't happened in the last few decades its not going to happen now. It is our country after all, not the government's and we should all do our part to protect and rebuild it, the whole country for all of us not just our little corner of the world. What joy is "I told you everything will go to shit" going to bring us when there is nothing left for us, our kids and our grand kids? Bragging rights? A Nostrodamus award? Id rather help build a functioning country for all South Africans. So I'm going to see where I can do my bit, however small, to rebuild what we have. I know the ESA community consists of people from all walks of life who can all make a contribution big and small. Let's leave politics out of it. All I'm asking is that you think about this and maybe you can contribute in some way to rebuild this land we all call HOME.

This post totally resonated with me when I read it. And has inspired me to act. Like most of you, I am struggling at the moment. Financially I cannot afford to punt. I read all the posts of struggling punters and sp's and see that many of us are facing the worst period of our lives. And yet posts like this stirs something inside me to act. To give. To be human. As I mentioned above, I cannot help financially. However, I can offer something to this community. Without going into detail here, I'd like to suggest you DM me. Perhaps I can help you in alleviating anxiety, stress, burnout. Perhaps I can share some basic tools to assist you in reshaping your mental and emotional health. This is my paying it forward. Take care. Be safe.


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