Kimmylee - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
14 May 2014
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Posted: 2020-01-02 13:53:00

I have a question though.

Would it make a difference if the scoring of 1-10 variate from the 1-5 because knowing how somehow would express their experience (a few if not more) would say she is a 10/10. If that is how they describe their experience, wouldn't they be compelled to still rate 10/10? Then it would put out all debates in scoring.

I honestly say that it is up to the viewers to decide for themselves if anything is to go by or not. That way one makes an informed decision but more so when they do the actual visit. If you lose the money because of unexpected consequences, treat it as a lesson and report back constructively.

*You're welcome to counter this statement

[deleted] - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2020-01-02 13:56:46

On 2020-01-02 12:16:23 Skomhc said:
On 2020-01-02 11:42:46 hobbes said: Also giving all 5 should be the exception.

So true hobbes, if I read an "all 5's" I discard ALL entries as 'no indication given!' because the guy can not or does not differentiate between 'Perfect' (a 5) and 'Useless' ( a 0)!
But also I see this as gatkruiping, possibly even fishing for freebies the next time he will visit her!
And on this hobbes, you are guilty of this as well with a few of your reviews, so if you want your reviews to be taken as serious then perhaps adjust your ratings in this respect? A full "100% Perfect" booking does not exist, come on now, you'd marry the girl afterwards :))
Feel free to check mine, IF I give points then they're genuinely genuine ... and a 5 is for Perfection, rare occasions ;-)

Forgive me, but why cant you rate 5s?

Why I ask is as follows:

1. You selecting her based on her looks which would normally be attractive so I'm guessing for me at least 4. Yes they not models but damn they are stunners here! It's subjective because if I am coughing up 1000+ Rands to fuck i sure hell dont want a mediocre looking chick.

2. Body will be the same as above

3. The experience.... some yes normal but you know those that keep blowing your mind and not just sexually, also the company is awesome so why not a 5? She made you feel like a king right? Unless you want a king to make you feel like that lol?

So my point is, 5s are different for everyone and you can't dismiss it because your "brain" thinks differently.
Maybe those that don't give 5s are having bookings with models and then its just wrong not toshare them with US ;)
Kooni - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:02:27
Edited: 2020-01-02 14:03:37

On 2020-01-02 13:56:46 MrSpark said:
On 2020-01-02 12:16:23 Skomhc said: On 2020-01-02 11:42:46 hobbes said: Also giving all 5 should be the exception.

So true hobbes, if I read an "all 5's" I discard ALL entries as 'no indication given!' because the guy can not or does not differentiate between 'Perfect' (a 5) and 'Useless' ( a 0)!
But also I see this as gatkruiping, possibly even fishing for freebies the next time he will visit her!
And on this hobbes, you are guilty of this as well with a few of your reviews, so if you want your reviews to be taken as serious then perhaps adjust your ratings in this respect? A full "100% Perfect" booking does not exist, come on now, you'd marry the girl afterwards :))
Feel free to check mine, IF I give points then they're genuinely genuine ... and a 5 is for Perfection, rare occasions ;-)

Forgive me, but why cant you rate 5s?

Why I ask is as follows:

1. You selecting her based on her looks which would normally be attractive so I'm guessing for me at least 4. Yes they not models but damn they are stunners here! It's subjective because if I am coughing up 1000+ Rands to fuck i sure hell dont want a mediocre looking chick.

2. Body will be the same as above

3. The experience.... some yes normal but you know those that keep blowing your mind and not just sexually, also the company is awesome so why not a 5? She made you feel like a king right? Unless you want a king to make you feel like that lol?

So my point is, 5s are different for everyone and you can't dismiss it because your "brain" thinks differently.
Maybe those that don't give 5s are having bookings with models and then its just wrong not toshare them with US ;)

Got to agree with you.

I have decided to only rated those I think is worth a 5 in my opinion.

The only score that really matters is the "services" category, and there is no need to share the details of those, that rates "average".
Skomhc - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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7 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:16:21

On 2020-01-02 13:53:00 Kimmylee said:
*You're welcome to counter this statement

And I will too!
Say I'm a GM and visit a girl, which proves all anythings bad you can imagine, the bottom of the Pits refers here. For some imagery envisage drugs, utter uncleanliness & stench, the room & house a drug refugee shelter, her being 30 year older etcetera, you get the picture - and yes these exist!
I review her - but constructively? You MUST be joking!
With the current admin I will be banned for such, they ban outright unfairly at times - but anyone should know to avoid such a pit, I'm sure you'll agree! And to dress this up PC is not on, undeserved and distorts the picture, it is a no-go.
If shit treatment was given a stern review must be possible!

Regarding your mathematics, 10/10 is exactly the same as 5/5 or Pi/Pi, same goes for Ben.
But, with a higher tally allowed (eg 10) the totals would run away even faster than they do now - like in doubly so!
A girl with 968 points to her profile is better than a girl with 16? If you answer Yes then you don't understand how the scoring is to be interpreted, and I've remarked on this already (when the scores were introduced): a running average should be applied or an annual reset or why, but the current situation is completely silly and creates a distorted picture!
Trust me I've met a few girls with 0 points who'll beat all & sundry if a competition were to be held (or were even possible lol) regarding their service!
Skomhc - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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7 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:27:46

On 2020-01-02 13:56:46 MrSpark said:
Forgive me, but why cant you rate 5s?

Who's the SuperModel of all times you think has the prettiest face you've ever seen?
She would deserve a 5 for 'Face', I agree.
But does she have the best legs (Tina Turner legs!) you've ever seen also?
Probably not.... but you give her a 5 for 'Body'?
Ditto for the 'Service'.... and the next girl you visit albeit a month after having written your review puts this clearly in perspective!

5 is Perfection, the Best i.e UNbeatable!
If a reviewer dishes out all 5's I do not trust such - which I may, same like you may dish out all 5's if you still want to do that.
Skomhc - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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7 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:34:50

On 2020-01-02 12:57:58 Skomhc said:
you as a GM can award any value you like (between 1 to 5) irrespective of the points awarded, is that true?
As an example you could award 5 profile-points whilst having rated her 0 on all counts, and vice versa - true or not?

I have been reliably informed that this is indeed the case!
In other words, you award all 3's and the odd 4 in a review, and next you CHOOSE the number of points you want to award to the girl in question, your options being a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5!
Again, and in line with what I've said above, awarding a 5 is the pinnacle, only deserved in very very rare occasions...

... and on this ESA admin, why can't a GM award 0 points?
If he reviews a bad experience he should be able to do this, in rather stark contrast to having to award 1 point as per current - which is indeed a reward, it could even be her first point, wholly undeserved if you ask me!
Kooni - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:37:16
Edited: 2020-01-02 14:41:28

On 2020-01-02 14:27:46 Skomhc said:
On 2020-01-02 13:56:46 MrSpark said: Forgive me, but why cant you rate 5s?

Who's the SuperModel of all times you think has the prettiest face you've ever seen?
She would deserve a 5 for 'Face', I agree.
But does she have the best legs (Tina Turner legs!) you've ever seen also?
Probably not.... but you give her a 5 for 'Body'?
Ditto for the 'Service'.... and the next girl you visit albeit a month after having written your review puts this clearly in perspective!

5 is Perfection, the Best i.e UNbeatable!
If a reviewer dishes out all 5's I do not trust such - which I may, same like you may dish out all 5's if you still want to do that.

Reviews are based on the punter's experience, and not your interpretation of what is perfect or not.

To you "Tina" havee the perfect set of legs, where in my opinion Roxy

have a better pair than "Tina".

We all human, all have different views and opinions. Lets rather respect each others views and agree to disagree.

Ps. The default overall rating for a GM review is "0" and not "1".
Skomhc - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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7 Oct 2017
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:51:14
Edited: 2020-01-02 14:54:36

On 2020-01-02 14:37:16 Kooni said:
Ps. The default overall rating for a GM review is "0" and not "1".

Thank you Kooni, didn't know that!
Thus, ESA Admin, please ignore my above query.

I get you that you review a girl for HER service levels rather than in general.... fine with me.
If car journo's would do this then a Fiat 500 could end up with a better rating than an AMG 600, surely you agree?
Hence my reasoning.
Kooni - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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18 Jun 2019
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:58:33

On 2020-01-02 14:51:14 Skomhc said:
On 2020-01-02 14:37:16 Kooni said: Ps. The default overall rating for a GM review is "0" and not "1".

Thank you Kooni, didn't know that!

I get you that you review a girl for HER service levels rather than in general.... fine with me.
If car journo's would do this then a Fiat 500 could end up with a better rating than an AMG 600, surely you agree?
Hence my reasoning.

"Possible" but not "probable". The only Mercedes I am interested

undercoverpta - Re: How to spot a BS review...
Re: How to spot a BS review...
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3 Sep 2014
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Posted: 2020-01-02 14:59:11

My reviews are based on a simple system called: Fyndraai ratings...


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