Lupe Luxe
Lupe Luxe - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
8 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2021-03-31 14:23:27

On 2021-03-31 13:56:05 ASASH said:

Yeah I get you! and some punters think the SP's are their GF's so they are protecting them.

I wouldn't put it that way. I think it's like in any other good business, you build relations. Being respectful to a woman doesn't always mean you're trying to make them your girlfirend. It just means you are a considerate human being.
Hoarmunculus - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
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14 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-03-31 14:31:04

You see,n,LL,I've booked SP's based on someone's review,and it was a disaster,like the worst experience ever(for me),even after PM-ing the dude to check if he was genuine in his review.

So,I had to conclude that he's crushing on this particular person.

Which is why,I want to review with full disclosure, so others don't go through what I did,verstaan?

Otherwise, what's the point of it?

If she and I have a great time(& I do know it takes 2 to tango),then,fo sho,I will sing her praises,and relate my experience, urging others to book her,so she gets lots more business.

Word of mouth is the most powerful advertising form still,despite Insta, FB,Twitter,etc. And this review system is as close to proper word if mouth as you're gonna get.

Ashash is correct.

In my opinion.

I'm gonna continue reviewing as I see fit.

And,if anyone's read any of my reviews,I am certain it's garnered more business from new clients,so if I have a shit experience,I'm gonna state it.

Including price,what happened between us,if what she stated on her profile is accurate,etc.
[deleted] - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-03-31 14:34:13

On 2021-03-31 14:17:10 ASASH said:
On 2021-03-31 14:04:02 Cassanata said: On 2021-03-31 13:56:05 ASASH said: On 2021-03-31 13:44:02 Hoarmunculus said: On 2021-03-31 13:38:16 Cassanata said: Obviously you need to be sensible when you are doing it, a lot goes on in there that is personal and not to be shared outside of the bedroom. Also you have to consider that their bfs or potential bfs and other clients would also see it so you don't want to compromise them in any way.

Fair points,boss.

But then,the review system mission a total waste,in my opinion,used more to get the SP's attention,to prolong the fantasy that she's actually into you,instead of for the benefit of other punters(in my opinion).

Yeah I get you! and some punters think the SP's are their GF's so they are protecting them. Guess their Randelas are worth more or so they are given to think that. Punters are purchasing a fantasy, an experience. Why not call it what it is. It's business.

Some may actually have boyfriends or husbands, I know it's hard to believe that they are actual people and have a life outside of their work.

Yeah SO this is their business this is my money. I know its hard to believe but I am sure their bf's or husbands (If they know that their partner is in the trade) should have some brains to figure out the quantity of clients they see and what goes on in there. I am sure for every 1 review there has to be like 30 punters visiting, and thats for the popular SP's.

I understand you are trying to take the high ground, but times are tough for all, also the pussy footing should end. This is an adult business we all adults here! maybe some are happy spending their hard earned cash on a SP that kicks them out after a good 5 min screw, not knowing any better, they leave and what happens to the 55 min? He won't know unless we as punters support each other and are truthful about our experiences. the good and the bad ones.

I have been punting since 2005 been through it all, Blue, red, other colours the newspaper, the road, the dodge places and found solace in the purple.

Do you know how many SP's took chances in the time I have been active. Its a huge proportion. I can pick up chicks at bars and nightclubs or even in general, but that time and effort for someone like me is too demanding. I pay my fee I get my screw and intimacy. Its guaranteed. I had to learn over the years how as a punter to be treated as well. and i think we can help out little community by being more honest. It happens in PM. lets just not act like you have not messaged a fellow punter before. I am sure you have!

I think we passing each other by on this topic. I am not disagreeing with you. There is sharing and there is over-sharing, this is what i am specifically talking about. I am not talking about pussy-footing which I also abhor.
ASASH - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
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23 Nov 2020
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Posted: 2021-03-31 14:36:16

On 2021-03-31 14:23:27 Lupe Luxe said:
On 2021-03-31 13:56:05 ASASH said:

Yeah I get you! and some punters think the SP's are their GF's so they are protecting them.

I wouldn't put it that way. I think it's like in any other good business, you build relations. Being respectful to a woman doesn't always mean you're trying to make them your girlfirend. It just means you are a considerate human being.

Lupe, you can speak for yourself. there are many SP's out there that are more interested in a quick buck
Lupe Luxe
Lupe Luxe - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
8 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2021-03-31 14:39:41
Edited: 2021-03-31 14:41:20

On 2021-03-31 14:31:04 Hoarmunculus said:
You see,n,LL,I've booked SP's based on someone's review,and it was a disaster,like the worst experience ever(for me),even after PM-ing the dude to check if he was genuine in his review.

So,I had to conclude that he's crushing on this particular person.

Which is why,I want to review with full disclosure, so others don't go through what I did,verstaan?

Otherwise, what's the point of it?

If she and I have a great time(& I do know it takes 2 to tango),then,fo sho,I will sing her praises,and relate my experience, urging others to book her,so she gets lots more business.

Word of mouth is the most powerful advertising form still,despite Insta, FB,Twitter,etc. And this review system is as close to proper word if mouth as you're gonna get.

Ashash is correct.

In my opinion.

I'm gonna continue reviewing as I see fit.

And,if anyone's read any of my reviews,I am certain it's garnered more business from new clients,so if I have a shit experience,I'm gonna state it.

Including price,what happened between us,if what she stated on her profile is accurate,etc.

I hear you. I am not saying do not review.

Should you get a bad experience and feel like telling the rest about it, a punter is entitled and ladies should take responsibility of such. Also, if someone left a positive review and you experienced doesn't mean they lied.

What I am pressing on is " do not describe my vagina, how my ass wiggle-wobles while you got your left knee pressed against my left hip ...everything was slippery, i pounded her real hard, she squirmed like a worm blablabla"....that kind of details.

I mean, for the why????
Hoarmunculus - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
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14 Feb 2021
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Posted: 2021-03-31 14:51:57

Hahahahaha,I still recall you posting about a dude laying like a starfish,and saying "Right,what u got,gurrrl?"

Thanks a blerrie lot for bringing up that image,again!

No,fair enough,in the beginning of doing this review thing,I did overshare once,badly,which impacted negatively on the Sp concerned,thankfully,we cleared the air,she explained how my words affected her business and I learned from that, to word my following reviews in a more respectful manner.(which,generally,I believe I've done do far).

But, I will NOT,EVER,review bs so the chick will think I'm crushing,because that effs it up for the guy who'll book her next,thinking the bs written is accurate.

But enough foreplay,we fucking or nah?

(That's code for: Imma stop now,I'm tired typing so much nonsense in 1 day,cheerio!)

Lupe Luxe
Lupe Luxe - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
8 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2021-03-31 14:59:08

On 2021-03-31 14:36:16 ASASH said:
On 2021-03-31 14:23:27 Lupe Luxe said: On 2021-03-31 13:56:05 ASASH said:

Lupe, you can speak for yourself. there are many SP's out there that are more interested in a quick buck

I guess. X
Lupe Luxe
Lupe Luxe - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
8 Aug 2019
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Posted: 2021-03-31 15:02:18

On 2021-03-31 14:51:57 Hoarmunculus said:
Hahahahaha,I still recall you posting about a dude laying like a starfish,and saying "Right,what u got,gurrrl?"

Thanks a blerrie lot for bringing up that image,again!

No,fair enough,in the beginning of doing this review thing,I did overshare once,badly,which impacted negatively on the Sp concerned,thankfully,we cleared the air,she explained how my words affected her business and I learned from that, to word my following reviews in a more respectful manner.(which,generally,I believe I've done do far).

But, I will NOT,EVER,review bs so the chick will think I'm crushing,because that effs it up for the guy who'll book her next,thinking the bs written is accurate.

But enough foreplay,we fucking or nah?

(That's code for: Imma stop now,I'm tired typing so much nonsense in 1 day,cheerio!)

too much of anything can make you sick. I'm out too ;-)
Davistarr - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
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23 Aug 2018
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Posted: 2021-03-31 22:57:34

On 2021-03-31 09:39:00 Rachel said:
Dude did you ever consider that you might have gotten a discount or even a "special service" from someone who did it did they liked you, but might not offer the same service or the same price to anyone else.

My regulars get big discounts and "special services" and I would be really unhappy if they went and shared that with the public as if it was my standard rate or MO..

Just my opinion- don't hate me for it!! Lol..


But u just did...first time clients will be short changed now...
[deleted] - Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Re: Reviews-oversharing or anything goes?
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2021-04-01 04:31:29

What I have seen and learnt is that honesty is not the best policy when it come to the ladies bit is when it comes to the punters. It depends who you want to please

Post a honest review on a bad punt and hell will be unleashed upon you.


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