John - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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6 May 2002
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Posted: 2015-10-01 01:41:56

If everybody on this thread stops answering anything that 10Four posts then he will get bored and he will go and play in the traffic!
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2015-10-01 02:36:42

On 2015-09-30 23:13:58 Durban guy 1980 said:
It'd about time to get the EDITORS CUT to edit out all the " moral police ".

I am oddly fine with having no moral compass... It's hypocrisy I don't like.
smokie1962 - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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6 Jun 2009
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Posted: 2015-10-01 03:47:42

Why does everyone want to start either hijacking a thread for their own personal gain? Do you not have enough interlect to start your own thread?
This is a good thread by Ricky and as is always the case, someone comes along and writes shit on the thread. As was mentioned earlier, go play in the traffic if you have nothing better to say, let the thread run its true course, for what ever course it may run.

For you so called "moral police", get a life, we are all adults, what are you doing on here if it is so wrong? Rather you lot go and get a library book Bambie or some other nursery school book.

You go for it Ricky, we enjoying the happenings, whether you get to eat the apple or not.
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2015-10-01 06:08:22
Edited: 2015-10-01 06:48:46

This is going from the sublime to the ridiculous and somehow common sense just fell through the cracks on this thread. I had agreed to not comment but some of you just seem to not let it go and it seems the nerves I touched doesnt just extend to rickylick. I said I wasnt going to post but it seems there are others who cant seem to leave it alone and want to throw insults when they don't even read what I post carefully. It seems like you have it in your mind that I want you to agree with me, I donlt presonally I don't give a toss whether you agree or not but thiere is enough in Ricky's post to string the reality together. I read this thread because I am 100% convinced there is a twist and its got nothing to do with getting laid.

Firstly I know many people who have affairs actually i know some very successful people who fuck around on the side and as far as I know none of them feel the need to go on to a forum and ask advice on whether they should loan the money to someone they want to fuck. Entertainment factor or not. And if they do it's COD they get their piece of ass when the money is paid!! I was merely pointing out from a recent observation that where it has gone wrong it has gone tits, belly and legs up it wasnt a pretty thing to be privy to. The reality though is most of the time the spouse being cheated on doesnt care because their needs are being met or they collecting rope to hang the person cheating.

Which is why if he knows whats good for him he should walk away now, simply because his wife smells a rat and you can pour a whole sewege farm on that rat, his wife aint losing the scent. The fact that she called hotties number doesnt need any further explanation. If he thinks she is going to let it go he needs to think again, women who think there is something going on are like fucking pitbulls in these situations once that bite goes down its very hard to shake it off. And they expose you when you least expect it.

Thirdly this isn't the first time hottie has done this, if she wanted to fuck him she would have done it ages ago. A comedian once said that women know from the moment they shake your hand whether they going to fuck you or not and its true, the only thing that will stop it from happening is you will do something entirely dumb to change her mind. You don't need R10k to have that happen. Hottie is a cock tease and all her posturing this weekend is because she hasn't paid back the money she might still do it but the people on this site grossly underestimate her and her intentions. She knows ricky is weak for her and she is gonna milk this all the way, and if any of you have been with a cocktease you will know this. But fairplay to Ricky he is well aware of this.

So here is your ice bath even if he gets to fuck her from everything Ricky posted its going to be a grudge/guilt/pity fuck which is the worst fuck of them all in my book. For me the rule is you have to be pretty fucking desperate to entertain a pity fuck especially when you have a website that has 600 plus women willing to cater to your needs for a price way under R10k.

Its been interesting reading his angst and hopes in this situation if he is happy with the situation and a pity fuck is hwere he is at good for him but that line between fantasy and reality is clear in the progression of this whole 'saga'. Ricky is a grown man and knows what he wants and he and he alone will experience the pleasure of ravaging hottie or the displeasure of a fallout and I will go on record and say I hope that a fallout doesnt happen because in my mind hottie is bad news on way too many fronts and teh fact that his wife is suspicious creates teh perfect storm for a lot of kak. If any of you read carefully I never once said that I am rooting for him to fail I said that should he get caught he is in for a wild ride. For those who have taken issue with my previous posts, this thread isnt locked for an exclusive set of people like I said to Alpine if you take offence report it to ESA.
Andycarp - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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4 Feb 2015
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Posted: 2015-10-01 07:01:11

10four , we all get where you coming from , as does Ricky im certain of that , you are an intelligent bloke im sure , so please accept that you wont convert him or others when the big brain suffers blood loss all logic eludes ones life , keep strong !
Andycarp - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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4 Feb 2015
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Posted: 2015-10-01 07:01:37

Ricky for you
Chmoks - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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22 Sep 2015
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Posted: 2015-10-01 08:20:08

Havata started a thread 'Legs and Titties' and it turned huugely popular.
Haven't seen anyone there negative yet.
Ricky starts 'Hottie' and it too turned very popular.
It has attracted a single spoilsport.
Havata also started a 'Shemale' thread, also with a high postcount.
No idea if there's naysayers there, I simply don't read it.

Get it, 10-4?
Start your own thread, 'The Pros & Cons of Sex Outside of your Relationship', and you might become popular too.
CozyHaven - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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27 Mar 2014
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Posted: 2015-10-01 09:06:16

Bwa hahahaha...
Tenfour, the moral douchebag!
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2015-10-01 09:20:02
Edited: 2015-10-01 09:22:57

Funny how you are okay to make assumptions and i am not Chmok, why do you feel so compelled to comment? I have no interest in being popular if anything I know my posts have made me extremely unpopular and I don't care I call it as I see it. I won't be baited into stooping to your level of insults. This is actually getting boring now every five posts a new person rocks up trying to attack what I said.
sexylexy - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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11 Jul 2008
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Posted: 2015-10-01 10:38:57

10Four ... Give it up !! Enough now, you beginning to sound like a stuck record, repeating the same garbage day in and day out.

Stick to what you said ... NO FURTHER COMMENTS !

I'm sure most folks when they want to hear your 2 cents worth will pull the chain.

Get the picture pal, when you no longer wanted, either shape up or ship out. There are others that have enjoyed following this soapie and enjoying the reading pleasure.

Moet daar altyd 'n drol in die drink water wees .... EISH !!


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