CozyHaven - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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27 Mar 2014
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Posted: 2015-09-29 10:16:54

Month end is here. The question is this....HAS SHE PAID BACK THE LOAN???
dahewolf - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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28 Aug 2015
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Posted: 2015-09-29 11:39:09

Ricky. It is only as complicated as you make it. As previous punter advice you she must know it is " No Strings Attached". She must realize there is a difference to be unfaithful in your marriage and to have an affair. This is only pomping. I still believe you are going to score but for this to last for some time she must not text after working hours or weekends

[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2015-09-29 12:34:59

On 2015-09-29 11:39:09 dahewolf said:
She must realize there is a difference to be unfaithful in your marriage and to have an affair. This is only pomping.

Uhm, say what ? I don't mean to be a stickler but "only pomping" is still being unfaithful... As for the difference between an Affair and being Unfaithful, now that's one I would seriously like you to clear up for me because they are the same thing as far as I know...

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!- Sir Walter Scott.
Biffer - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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4 Jul 2012
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Posted: 2015-09-29 13:53:40

Ricky, thanks for sharing your journey - have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. This is the first time I have entered your turf - getting tricky methinks! Our understanding of NSA and a females understanding are poles apart. They are not even vaguely similar. As much as I would like to say go for your badge and take one for the TEAM (you have great support here)which is what I'm sure I would have done if in your position, maybe think VERY carefully before diving in boots and all.

I speak from experience - work colleague etc etc. Got a BJ from her last October in my Office. It was a one off, I had terrible guilt afterwards and despite her advances etc I fended her off. I had to retrench her a few months ago. The week after her package was paid my Wife gets a call from her husband telling her what happened. Even better he put her on the phone to verify it. Apparently part of a healing process between the two of them. I suspect he had a huge number of calls to make as it turns out there were more than just a few of us. The wheel turns......................
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2015-09-29 15:03:27
Edited: 2015-09-29 15:22:22

CozyHaven - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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27 Mar 2014
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Posted: 2015-09-29 15:22:45

Tenfour, if you are not happy with Ricks thread, then stop reading. Go preach somewhere else!
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2015-09-29 15:28:54
Edited: 2015-09-29 15:37:59

Cozy i was merely stating that i agreed with Biffers post and why it resonated with me then i remembered I said Im not going to comment on Rickylicks little saga so take it easy.... No need to start getting all protective over nothing, in the end regardless of Ricky's success or failure HE will be the one to deal with it no forum comments encouraging it or advising against it is going to change that. Take it easy man.
CozyHaven - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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27 Mar 2014
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Posted: 2015-09-29 15:34:01

And why did you delete your epistle?
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2015-09-29 15:37:33

Because I said I wasnt going to comment further.....
rickylick - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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2 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2015-09-29 18:52:40
Edited: 2015-09-29 18:53:25

10Four - for somebody who has been very judgmental in everything I have done here I find it strange that you could not keep to your word -

But when they persisted in asking Him!He straightened up, and said to them , "He who is without sin among you ,let him be The first to throw a stone at her."
John 8:6

Please show us you are at least a gentleman and keep your word.


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