MrHee - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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14 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2020-03-21 13:26:30

On 2020-03-21 10:49:08 Need4Passion said:
Multiple time more people are and still will die daily from things like the flu, suicide, TB, and cancer across the world let alone us living in SA were crime and starvation are far more deadly.

This is a dangerous way to think. It will lull people into a false sense of security. Like it is not a big deal. We need do what ever we can to stop the spread. Anything else and it will get *MUCH* *MUCH* worse. Do your own research and see what is going on, and how quickly it has spread.

1. This is thing is highly infectious requiring a complete lock down of an entire country to contain. This not "just a flu"

2. The death rate of seasonal flu is 0.1% COVID19 is between 1.4%-2.5% - Deaths are accelerating in Italy due to lack of beds, doctors getting sick, space.

3. The spanish flu from 1918 had a similar death rate. In addition It also had a similar level of infections rate (How quickly it can spread) 1/3 of the population was infected and 50-100m died

4. It cannot be compared to suicide, or crime or starvation. Those things are not INFECTIOUS. Which means one person getting it does not increase the chances of the next person getting it. With the virus, one person getting it increases chances of another getting it. It starts to spread, to more and more people.

Butterfinger - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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30 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2020-03-21 13:28:43

I think our government has done exactly the right thing. I think they should take even further steps. This virus has affected me very badly financially and now personally. The only way we will stamp it out is by strangling the spread.
MrHee - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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14 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2020-03-21 14:13:11

On 2020-03-21 12:13:19 Bruv said:

Brilliant post. Thank you Sir.

I am also of the opinion that venues (and ladies) are taking an ostrich like approach,

Thank You.

Pretending like this is not happening and not taking steps to stop the tide is setting yourself up for failure.

The numbers in SA are still low, although it is monumentally incorrect as the numbers are not reliable in terms of testing and publication.

This government has lied so many times to us that covering up a few hundred deaths would be a stroll in the park.

Actually all countries admit their numbers are under reported. Because not everyone is being tested. Only South Korea had an extensive testing programme.

The scary part is that some reports are coming in that some people are testing positive without showing symptoms. Hence they may not be feeling or visibly sick, yet could be a carrier and infecting others. [1]

So do not think your hand sanitizing, and disinfection of venues is going to save you.


SAA and SA Ecxpress : Close the fuckers and stop the misery. People forgot those little issues. Your first knock is your best knock. These sentimental statements that the people love SAA are so full of bullshit that I hang my head in shame when they utter this nonsense. In fact when these Ministers, like Fikile (knows fuckall) Mbalula and Blade (ignoramus) Mzimande and their cohorts start addressing the nation, my brain cannot accept the fact that these imbeciles are leading this country. Incompetent to the t.

Actually our country has shown leadership. Within a week of the first reported case we had measures put in place. Much quicker than USA and UK who were dragging their feet. They have done a sterling job. Behind the scenes preps are being made for additional beds and emergency hospitals. All doctors have been asked to cancel any plans nationwide.

My biggest fear is not contracting the virus. My biggest fear is that when food shortages etc becomes a reality, the true nature of our population will come to the fore. The thin veneer of civilization will be stripped away and the basic animalistic behaviour will come to the fore.

We can see how people are not considering the consequences of their actions by still *PUNTING* and *keeping venues open* and *offering specials*

Yes We have a real problem, when the working and educated do not even understand the danger.
MrHee - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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14 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2020-03-21 14:16:53

On 2020-03-21 11:27:59 Le Belle said:
I can guarantee that 99% of venues do not have the savings to close for the next few months

I think there will be no choice eventually. We are heading for a national lockdown, most likely enforced by the army. If we do not take the social distancing measures now. This *will* happen. I am afraid since people did not take it seriously enough this week it is going to happen regardless. Start preparing now.
MrHee - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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14 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2020-03-21 14:20:01

On 2020-03-21 12:26:35 Kim said:
Aren't you a ray of sunshine...

Unfortunately this is the reality of the situation. Sticking ones head in the sand does not work. I was very surprised last night when i checked the forum and saw people were continuing as per normal. with venues even advertising they would still be open.
Butterfinger - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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30 Dec 2019
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Posted: 2020-03-21 14:27:37

This is a very interesting video on how easily germs can spread. Unbelievable in fact!
MrHee - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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14 Apr 2018
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Posted: 2020-03-21 15:03:23

On 2020-03-21 14:27:37 Butterfinger said:
This is a very interesting video on how easily germs can spread. Unbelievable in fact!

Great video. I think the people posting about "washed towels" "showers" "extra measures" are really ill-informed. They do not understand the risk they are putting everyone in.
[deleted] - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2020-03-21 15:09:54

I can't see the Army being effectively deployed to enforce a lockdown. We simply don't have the numbers.

Our country is too vast.

5 soldiers in Gansbaai ?

How many in Garies ?

Logistically impossible.

[deleted] - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2020-03-21 15:12:41
Edited: 2020-03-21 15:16:42

"Actually our country has shown leadership. Within a week of the first reported case we had measures put in place. Much quicker than USA and UK who were dragging their feet. They have done a sterling job. Behind the scenes preps are being made for additional beds and emergency hospitals. All doctors have been asked to cancel any plans nationwide."

Respectfully I beg to differ. They are not doing a sterling job. They are only doing their job.

There are only approximately 5,000 beds available at present. I have a lot of doctor friends. None of them has been contacted. Maybe the doctors at state hospitals yes, not private practise doctors.

But where would they go in any case ? Travel bans etc ?
Papillon - Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
Re: Solution for ladies to survive Corona Virus (Also: Venues still open are bei
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15 Feb 2020
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Posted: 2020-03-21 17:11:23

It is really commendable to see the ladies trying to salvage their income and some punters ignoring what is coming to SA.

Is the man a ray of sunshine? No.

Did he lie? No.

Hard truth.. The one on one business is kind dead until this passes over which may never be.. Or until they find a vaccine.

How many businesses will close? Can you work from home? Can the schools be open?

How many health personnel will get sick?

This is somewhat worse than the Spanish flu. Why? People can go have a coffee in a Spain, lunch in lisbon, tea in Amsterdam and if pushed to it maybe dinner in New York. There are super spreaders. Anyway this is all new to all of us.

If you do not have medical aid you fucked. And maybe even with it you still fucked.

A home ventilator is about R100k. Not many hospitals have them. Even private hospitals have maybe 10 max.. Now you imagine 100 people rock up with pneumonia.. In a single day..

Early days..

Venues will close. SP will need to find others way of making money. Punters will need to plan very well where to get their rocks off. Some will loose their homes.. Thinking of punting will be the last thing in their minds.

Let's hope that this in 12 months is sorted and then things can be rebuild slowly.


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