[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-06-26 20:25:11

Wow. I knew all that but having someone smacking you with the truth is maybe just what the doctor ordered.

I had a good laugh as well.

[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-06-26 20:29:37

Oh and yeah I love that....

I dont normally do this or Your the first one or your the best.... lmao

I know its a load of hogwash but still gets me warm and fuzzy.

These ladys are really good at what they do... It is after all one of the oldest professions in the world.
360Praetor - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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30 May 2016
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Posted: 2017-06-27 21:56:03

here is my 2c on the matter, yes, it is about return business but your business is about feeling good, true or not. The problem is that we gents seem to lose our head as soon as we lose our load.

Considering this and all the other things I have read on this forum so far I daresay we are treading dangerous, bit o so glorious, ground.

I have not been punting for too long, I am actually quite a novice at it, but I have since my divorce, learned that it is still a hell of a lot cheaper than having a wife or gf. (no offence intended ladies, just stating the truth)

I would rather book a half hour or hour with one of these gorgeous creatures than have a solid relationship ever again. I have needs, and being fucked over by a significant other is not one of those needs.
IamaDalek - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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7 Oct 2012
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Posted: 2017-06-28 07:28:56

@analpaul. They're in this for the business but they are also humans with feelings. Most of course will say things to make you return because regular clients are important to them like in any business. However that's not to say that without a doubt what she's saying to you is 100% sakes talk. You have to judge yourself if she feels the same about you. It's very difficult especially when we men think with our dicks rather than our brains but there are signs and it's up to you to look for them. That requires a real cool head. Something even I'm not good at.
[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-06-28 12:00:12
Edited: 2017-06-28 12:01:30

I know these women have feeling too. I never meant to objectify any of these lovely ladies. And yes I know its about the money and return business.

I think we may have drifted a little from the intent of my original post.

I merely wanted to know if there was other punters out there going crazy over a particular WG as I was and maybe still am.

Yes these women are amazing and sometimes they even give us more then we can bargain on.

As for the relationships and significant others maybe I'm not the right person to comment as I'm having the cake and eating it too.

Again my intent was to vent the craziness that one Lovely lady had planted in me. Nothing more.
BenitoMusolini - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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23 Aug 2012
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Posted: 2017-06-29 15:07:30

Yes @analpaul, i can relate, there is this WG who is in Pretoria Gezina and sometimes in Sandton. This woman has me by the balls and I like it, needless to say that I am not the one to reurn to a working girl more tan two times, but with this one it has been over and over, and to a point whereby I even slept at her place while she was out doing her business, and how crazy is this even droping her off at a hotel for a shag with a client.

We clicked to a point were she even said if she could she would keep me and not share me, but business is business, I found her doing this and that's how its going to remain, but hell I keep on going back to this Lady and its better every time, its not about just fucking her now its more than that. But I still have to keep my cool even if my emotions and feelings says otherwise. Yep it does happen that there is just this one that gets you. But I am considering to stop for some time I hope i will be able to contain the urge!!!!
[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2017-06-29 17:03:27

You've got a real problem.

I may have broken my personal boundaries but you've broken the "Punters Commandments".

Go back and read the post by "I never learn".....

I hope sanity prevails!
Arthur62 - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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3 Aug 2017
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Posted: 2017-08-27 22:31:02

I have found this post very interesting, in a way that made me realise how we can be 'addicts' going to get our 'fix'. I am a regular to a very spectacular lady and she treats me like gold, but always sets the boundaries. I have been through a divorce and am now a widower but my time with her is special in a very different way. As she told me she remember each one of her regulars, not their names or their business or their personal details, but what they desire and what they need. She treats all equally, even when they visit her the first time. I agree that this is a business to them and the better they treat us, the more we visit them. But is it wrong to feel special in that moment, even when you know that the next one will feel the same way? And being treated with respect as a person and not as a client from the start makes a difference.
[deleted] - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2017-09-03 15:54:41

Having read the responses to this, I am still of the opinion that we as punters must be very careful not to read more into a situation. The situation is the fact you share your body with another, in so opening up to feelings, and once you think that have the "magical connection", she will now feel the same about you.


Does not work that way.

But in there lies the problem, because it is my opinion that we as punters are a buch of fucknuts, striving to get some form of re-assurance about out mommy problems, our short dick problems, or whatever your own insecureties are.

The ladies should actually invest in some phycology classes, we are the easiest of targets that you can find. We huff and puff and tell each other that we are the magic punter and nothing gets to us and we are invincible, etc, yet you read so many times of guys falling head over heels.

And in the end ? Not a happy ending Boet.

Try and see this incidental meetings as work-related, you need to close a deal, do it, and walk the hell away from it. Be happy that the transaction was successful, but then move on to the next one.

These are my thoughts and obviously not everyone's cup of tea.

BOOBS53 - Re: Brain Fucked
Re: Brain Fucked
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9 Jun 2015
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Posted: 2017-09-03 17:39:03


I couldn't agree with you more .. I have been in that boat so many times ... I lost count .. do I learn .. no .. I never learn !!!

Went through more shit in the past couple of months with the some ladies than with my wife the past 33 years ... do I learn ... no I never learn !!!

I am getting attached so quickly to the ladies and fell in the same trap everytime ... I must start to learn ... this is a fantasy world and nothing else !!!


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