Naledi - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
28 Mar 2012
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Posted: 2014-02-10 16:27:42

More like truck load...O_O
mzansiman - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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3 Feb 2014
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Posted: 2014-02-12 10:45:00
Edited: 2014-02-12 10:51:18

Apologies if I revealed 2 much. I just hate the hypocrisy. I fully support a wg"s right to see who she wants. If she wants to only see white guys thats her choice, but it bugs me that she lies about it, like its something to be ashamed about.

Its more offensive than if she just said no thank you.
lovemetender2.0 - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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16 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2014-02-12 11:03:22

Its already been established that most WGs lie about their preferences. Some have already been exposed by some popular Indian punters.

Only very few are true to their word, like Naughty Mandy, M.Jade, Sensual Simobe, Cara, Genevieve to name a few.

But hey all WGs and punters can do whatever they hell they want to, and everyone has the right to have their choices.

There are no rules in this business.
KICKASS - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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12 May 2011
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Posted: 2014-02-12 11:21:43
Edited: 2014-02-12 12:06:30

Joh bro do u want to destroy her business some things should just be kept quite.The last time I checked buddy she only did indian and white please get ur facts in order.and if u have issues then please discuss it with her.jinne
mzansiman - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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3 Feb 2014
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Posted: 2014-02-13 08:15:27

@kick- "last time you checked" isn't exactly a reliable indication since she has accused you of stealing from her and won't even talk to you. So you re hardly a reliable source of information. Besides the only info you would have is what she told you.

I've been seeing her since her sunnyside days.
mzansiman - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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3 Feb 2014
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Posted: 2014-02-13 13:25:22

@lmt- I've learnt my lesson about naming names but there are at least 2 on your list that I have personally been with.
Jimmyg - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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27 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2014-02-14 12:19:02

Mzansiman youve got mail
Former_shakirafa - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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14 Feb 2014
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Posted: 2014-02-14 15:30:20
Edited: 2014-02-14 16:07:08

Just btw my username is meant to be former_shakirafaN but the ‘n’ got cut off. This will probably be my first and only post under this username. I had my last account deleted because a) I got married (I don’t judge the guys who continue to punt, but it’s not for me) and b) I found that I was spending an unhealthy amount of time on the forums even though I wasn’t actually punting. I only came back because a mutual friend told me about this thread.

My real name is [Removed by admin: will people never learn?]. Those of you who have been to Shakira in the last couple of years may have heard my name. I was for a very long time Shakira’s best friend, and I was the one she turned to whenever she needed some sort of help or just someone to talk to. When she lived in Kempton and worked in Pta I was the one who gave her a lift twice a day.  Somehow I managed to stuff it up, and now she no longer even talks to me or answers my sms’s. For all intents and purposes the friendship is over.  I only tell you this because I want you to know that I don’t have a particular agenda in what I’m going to say:

There is absolutely no way that the claims of mzansiman are true (and I notice that no one is backing him up either).

The race question has been done to death on the forum – my personal view is that whatever we as punters may think, a woman’s body belongs to her and to her alone, and therefore whether she’s using it for money or not it is entirely up to her who she chooses to get intimate with. Whether we like it or not a girl has a right to choose who she will and won’t see. You (Mzansiman) may not agree with Shakira’s choice, but that does not justify you casting aspersions on her integrity/honesty. The choice may not be the politically correct one, but to suggest she’s lying about having made that choice is entirely unfair, particularly bearing in mind that it may be a business decision as much as a personal one – there are a lot of white clients who prefer to only see girls that only see other white guys. It may not be right, but the girls have to take that into consideration.

Almost everyone she meets at some point falls in love with her to some extent. She’s beautiful, yes. But more than that she has a personality to match. And a big part of that is her honesty. She is disarmingly honest. She will tell you things when you first meet her that some people would never in a million years share with another living soul. She can be brutal and even cruel (and recently I’ve had more than my fair share of that), and she frequently talks/types before she thinks something through, but she is never anything less than 100% genuine. In the many years that I have known her, I have heard on an almost daily basis about her work life. I have heard about clients that are a bit weird. I have heard about clients that have body odour issues. I have heard about clients that are unbelievably stupid. I have heard about clients that are violent. I have heard about clients that are tiny, and ones that are huge. I have heard stories that have broken my heart. In short I have heard just about everything. And not once have I ever had any reason to doubt the authenticity of her claim that she does not do greek (in fact many of the times she’s told me about guys getting violent it’s when the guy tries slipping something up there and she objects) nor is she multi-racial.         

I suspect that you are either a rival wg, intent on disrupting her business, or are genuinely a black punter whose feelings were hurt at being turned down. Either way I don’t think that you fully comprehend the damage that you are doing by spreading lies.

I may have lost a dear friend, and I will regret that for the rest of my life, but I will not stand silently by while her business is ruined, and her name smeared with unfounded accusations of dishonesty. All it does is show everyone that you don't know her at all.  
[deleted] - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
More than 100 posts
Posted: 2014-02-14 16:32:50

Shakira_fan I agree with you whole heartedly, when I read mzansiman's post I started typing a horrible response because it's easy to read the bs* between the lines. I did however delete my reply before sending it. Also Mzansiman just joined ESA and came out with a few half truths and whole lies. I am willing to bet that mzansiman is in fact a rival wg that's trying to ruin Shakira's business.

And just for the record I have never met Shakira but I know bs* when I read it. I think mzansiman ought to be banned for all the crap that got spoken about her. @ESA plead read mzansiman's posts in this thread.
Jimmyg - Re: Pretoria North
Re: Pretoria North
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27 Jan 2014
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Posted: 2014-02-15 12:28:24

God this forum really is better than a soapie. So shakirafan, if I may be so bold, what happened between the two of you to ruin years of friendship?


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