GudTyms - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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5 Jul 2012
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Posted: 2015-09-03 09:04:08 thinks you should vacate this forum bud...cancel your membership...join an dating site - cos 99% of the punters are here for da sexthang...and many are married.
rickylick - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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2 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2015-09-03 09:07:55

Lol thanks for the support guys.

10four does sound like he's actually in a moral dilemma -
We are all adults here we all know why we here.

@samdidtwo lol very good you put a big smile on my face

Anyway just a little update

Hottie seems far more relaxed and been pretty friendly so I think she's over her initial anger /denial issues.
I mean if she was sooo offended by the proposal surely she should've put an end to it there and then.
I think she just wanted to make sure I didnt think she's easy lol

Anyway drinks for tomorrow postponed til next Friday as the organizer is off sick.

I'm debating asking hottie to go for drinks anyway -
Gotta take this slow though so will see how it goes...

I know the thread will be a little slow but I wish I could speed up things but it is what it is I guess.

Month end will be the big decider I think cos there's no way hottie will be able to come up with the money as she's already spent most of the R10 k on lots nice goodies , a sexy hairdo, manicure etc

Looking sooo hot.
Oh she also put a really sexy profile pic on and when I said she looked hot she kept it on for 2 days -
Which is a record cos she changes her propic at least twice a day.

Hope that's a good sign ......
raul28 - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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27 Dec 2012
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Posted: 2015-09-03 09:10:59

LMFAO I'm out of silent blogging mode.......

@Ricky as you're complaining about being in it for 24 years, I would also like to think that the feeling is mutual and she's also considering to take the necessary steps to feel alive again.

this is how cougars are made, lucky is the young guy that would be in her life ..... the monetary and sexual benefits
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 100 posts
Posted: 2015-09-03 09:15:57

Damn, pity u can't share her pic... Good luck dude
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2015-09-03 09:38:02

I might come off harsh but its always interesting to see the bravado men take when it comes to sex myself included, the point I was trying to get across is that when its your marriage and youre with a WG technically there isnt another extra party involved, its you, your wife and the WG. Transaction happens WG doesnt care, you go to your wife and its cool, you deal with your kak until the wife finds out and there have been many posts here where it was Cape Caneveral time for the guys who were caught and I have yet to read one 'good riddance to the bitch' post. In this case its Rickylick, his wife, hottie and her husband. Different situation, different emotions, unpredictable reactions

Ive seen cheating on both sides, Ive seen wives break down ive seen husbands break down and my observation is that 99% of the time unless the marriage is truly gone to hell for all his swagger the guy reacts ten times worse. Ive nursed female friends in hospital one case with brain damage because the husband who was also having an affair decided to bash her through a flat screen TV and the proceed to use a wall. This is no jokes especially when a husband is involved. Nearly every time I have heard from a woman who had cheated or wanted to cheat is that the husbands are too busy thinking with their dicks, like Valentina indicated its an evolution that you dont seem to understand, cars and money arent going to cut it.

Rickylick's wife is checking is his phone, she certainly is still invested in the marriage, he shat himself when he realised that she had done so because he is too. Hottie put a message on her phone saying how much she loved her husband. This wont end well. Its his risk to take and if he gets a shag well and good but lets not call me a hypocrite when the facts are clear if hubby finds out as it happens most of the time, he is in for solid ride.
johnd - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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2 May 2009
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Posted: 2015-09-03 09:45:17

When women do their hair, manicure, etc. it is because they WANT attention. Imagine it from her side, she makes herself look all sexy and you don't ask her out? She will just think that you are not interested. At the very least mention how attractive she looks. Hubbie will barely notice so your attention will be much more appreciated. If she responds well to the compliments then ask her out for a quick drink after work. Even if she says no, she will still feel special thanks to you. Either way you win.
[deleted] - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Less than 40 posts
Posted: 2015-09-03 09:49:30

Maybe we all have different experiences with it but my most recent experiences with these situations is that the husbands did not react kindly to finding out their wives were cheating on them, and worse when the crap hit the fan the men in the affair were nowhere to be found they were too busy appeasing their own wives.
rickylick - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
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2 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2015-09-03 10:12:13

@raul28. I agree . My wife will make a super hot cougar.
She gets hit on daily - lol we went to a club recently and men were gaga over her.

The young guy who gets it right deserves it she use to be the hottest most passionate shag I ever had.
Don't know if the onset of menopause changed things but hey she deserves a good shag too - I'm definitely big enough to accept that.

Lol no requests for threesomes ok :)
GudTyms - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Gold Member
5 Jul 2012
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Posted: 2015-09-03 10:23:07

the comments on esa threads fascinates me. We are all here knowing full well WE ARE THOSE that do not conform to certain morals and values cos if we did we would not be here in the first place. Lets not try and be goody2shoes on these forums. We are here to find and F**K to satisfy our carnal desires and what is not met by our great wify's. Most punters, just by their comments are not stupid and understand where the fine line is...and I am sure rickylick knows that too, with this new development.
rickylick - Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Re: Hottie at work needs a loan - what's a man to do?
Basic Member
2 Jul 2010
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Posted: 2015-09-03 11:28:51

"You can't defend the indefensible - anything you say sounds self serving and hypocritical".

You are absolutely right in many of the things you say.
I cannot really defend my actions from a moral standpoint .
In many ways you have been the moral conscience of this thread.

I however am not forcing anyone to do anything they don't want to.
As selfish as this seems I'm only going down the path of Life once-
I'm going to smell any rose I want to .

Flay away lol ......


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