Meatseaker - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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24 May 2011
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Posted: 2021-01-16 12:22:31

On 2021-01-16 08:38:03 john_adams said:
@meathead I see you are trying to duck the question so let's show everybody how big of an ass you really are

YES I will spend a day with a "covid-19" sufferer if you can prove beyond doubt that the person has "covid-19" and not some other disease

tell us how you are going to do that seeing as there is no covid-19 specific test and the symptoms of "covid-19" matches those of flu and several hundred other diseases humans commonly die of in their thousands every year

we wait in anticipation oh great medical guru

@john_asshole. According to you, covid 19 does not exist, it is made up. Ok, we understand that.

So we don't have to prove that a person actually has it, because it's made up. The tests are false. You understand that part?

So let's say a person does the test, and the test says that they have it. According to you, they don't, cos the test is false right?

So all I'm saying is, breath that person's air.

Let's see what happens to you.

Or are you scared of this fake made up disease?

Heck I'll even pay to see you breath in their air.

And it must be the upgrade, version 2. 2021 fake version.
Mike Hope
Mike Hope - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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15 May 2020
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Posted: 2021-01-16 17:06:04

And Elvis was sighted recently playing rock and roll on a beach in the Bahamas. Whilst JFK danced away with Neil Armstrong celebrating the success of their staged moon landing. Yawn
neo007 - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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4 Nov 2006
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Posted: 2021-01-16 23:00:22

@johny english and @john Adams

The local hospitals and mortuaries need able amd lucid thinking men like yourselves to kindly tend to Covid positive patients including the following:
- Transfer of patients
- transfer of the dead
- general cleaning of the COVID ward
- personal care of Covid patients

PS: PPE wont be provided as you dont believe it is necessary and since this is all a hoax there is no risk for you!
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-01-17 08:03:35
Edited: 2021-01-17 08:18:04

On 2021-01-16 23:00:22 neo007 said:
@johny english and @john Adams

The local hospitals and mortuaries need able amd lucid thinking men like yourselves to kindly tend to Covid positive patients including the following:
- Transfer of patients
- transfer of the dead
- general cleaning of the COVID ward
- personal care of Covid patients

PS: PPE wont be provided as you dont believe it is necessary and since this is all a hoax there is no risk for you!

I cannot speak for john_adams, but will grant you the courtesy of a reply to your question.
I would have no issue with that just as I would have no issue with mingling with or helping persons with flu or influenza or radiation, as my immune system is reinforced and my mind not poisoned by stress and fear.
The reason why I won't or cannot is that they will ban my ass (sound familiar?) and label me as a lunatic and insane (sound familiar?) and have me committed to a mental asylum or prison.
They will also ban my ass for :
Firstly insisting on identifying specifically who has what in terms of illness eg. a heart patient, a diabetis or a cancer patient must be treated for his underlying condition and not because the disputed PCR test said he is positive.
For prescribing high doses of Vitamin C (intravenously), Vit. D, zinc, garlic and artemisia annua.
For telling them to remove the 5G tower that has inevitably been erected at the hospital over the last 12 months.
For insisting that the patient is not deprived from his or her loved ones.
For insisting that the morbid fearful aura around these places is replaced by hope and love.
For insisting to see that the hospital or Board of the doctors has no incentive plan in place with the State or the WHO for pushing up the covid numbers.
And that is just for starters.
I am better served doing my bit in promoting and advising my loved ones, my friends and fellow human beings that while being cautious and responsible, to build up and strengthen their immunity, and not buy into the fear and stress that will inevitably break it down and lay you low.
And while we still on the discredit, ridicule and ban scenario, the similarities and comparisons are rather stark. You and your cronies have asked for us 'loonies' to be banned from the ESA forum for propagating an alternative view or approach to this crisis (as if the mainstream narrative is working).
Many of your ilk have continually tried to spread fear here trying to discourage people from human contact while the advertisers here rely on that very thing to feed themselves and their loved ones.
Oh, the irony !
Vox Populi
Vox Populi - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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3 Nov 2020
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Posted: 2021-01-18 07:05:26

The reason why vaccines got to us incredibly fast.

Americans got their vaccine emergency authorization in 9 months. This shatters all records of previous vaccines. (Before the pandemic, the fastest vaccine was made in 4 years). But it doesn't mean scientists were rushed. Scientists had a few key things on their side that helped speed up the timeline without sacrificing quality.

1. Previous research.
We relied heavily on our previous SARS and MERS work. We were able to do this because COVID19 is roughly 80% identical to SARS. In 2003, we created a vaccine to recognize the SARS' spike and started moving through clinical trials. However, trials ended because the SARS epidemic faded off on its own, and thus money dried up. If money didn't dry up, we could've had a COVID19 vaccine much quicker. However, this also meant that we didn't have to start from scratch in 2020. We were able to skip the pre-clinical and academic research (which takes years) because we were already very familiar with spike proteins, coronaviruses, and vaccines. Also, because of this SARS work, pilot factories were already planned to produce enough vaccines for trials. This groundwork was paramount to getting the vaccine trials up and running in March 2020.

2. Money and resources.
Never, in the history of public health, have we had this much money and this many people working on one disease at one time. Normally, researchers need years to secure funding, get approvals, and study results piece by piece. For example, researchers are typically dependent on grants. In order to get grants, you need data and months (if not years) go by between Phase I, II, and III in order to get data to secure money. But the pandemic is not "typical". Scientists didn't need to do this because of the monetary support from the federal government. They were able to just go.

3. High levels of disease.
The FDA specifies, before trials, the efficacy threshold needed to be considered for emergency use. For COVID19, companies needed a higher than 50% efficacy rate. In order to get to that threshold, trials needed to drag on until enough people got infected with COVID19. For example, in Phase III of Pfizer, scientists needed 162 people to get COVID19. Then they could compare how many of these 162 people were in the vaccine group and how many were in the placebo group. COVID19 transmission is rampant in the United States. They needed less people to enroll in the study to reach this threshold. This isn't always the case in RCTs.

4. Production.
Sponsors were able to start producing the vaccine WHILE the vaccines were currently in trial. This is also very unusual. They were able to do that because governments, around the globe, were willing to put bets on the vaccines (risk vs. reward). Building and manufacturing early shaved off a ton of time, as the vaccine sponsors could anticipate that factories would be useful for a future vaccine.

5. Overlapping phases.
The scientists didn't wait for Phase I to complete before moving onto Phase II. And didn't wait for Phase II to end before moving onto Phase III. This isn't the first time in history this has been done. In fact, this type of design even had a name before the pandemic: seamless and adaptive design. We basically save a ton of time by removing the "white space" between phases. For example, when we combine Phase II and Phase III, scientists evaluate "dose selection" (which is typically determined in Phase IIb) and "confirmation" (typically Phase III) into one trial. There's quite a few advantages to this type of design (in addition to saving time). First, there's more efficacy/dose information prior to triggering Phase III. Also, there's higher chance of patients within the trial to be treated with efficacious and safe doses.

6. Enrollment
As a researcher, it's incredibly difficult to find people to volunteer for studies. One follower also mentioned this: "I manage trials and my current study aims to find 240 subjects in TWO years". The amount of people who flooded to volunteer for these studies is incredible. This couldn't have been done without each and everyone of them.

Bottom line: Speed does not mean rushed. It meant, in this case, leveraging a whole lot of smart people, money, and decades of previous work to get us a vaccine in 9 months.

Hope this helps clear up the air!

Data sources:
More on seamless design:

More on timeline (with cool graphics to play around with):
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-01-18 07:39:40
Edited: 2021-01-18 07:44:29

Yip ! Whatever gives you comfort !
A synthetic vaccine which acts directly on your DNA.
It's genetic engineering. The adverse short term reactions to this "miracle" vaccine are already alarming. I dread the long term consequences of this experiment on humanity. Infertility and neurological conditions included.
Wonder why the vaccine manufacturers have made themselves exempt from liability for the damage and deaths this "safe" vaccine causes ?
In the meantime your boytjie, Bill Gates the world's leading investor in vaccines, specifically Pfizer and ModerRNA increased his wealth by over 400 billion dollars in the first 6 months of this pandemic. Good old humanitarian, Billy boy, who but a few years called for population reduction via vaccines and "health care".
Not for me, not for my family, not for my loved ones and not for anyone whose brain hasn't been frozen by fear.
Vox Populi
Vox Populi - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-01-18 09:40:24

When you quote Gavi (read Gates), you are back in the quagmire.
Johnny English
Johnny English - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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10 Dec 2018
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Posted: 2021-04-06 23:50:47
Edited: 2021-04-06 23:52:04

In a settlement agreement reached today, the Pretoria High Court ruled that registered pharmacists and registered medical practitioners may prescribe Ivermectin for Covid-19. That means that the aforesaid licensed holders may compound and sell compounded medicine that contains Ivermectin as the main ingredient.
Hound-dogg - Re: Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin
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22 Jun 2013
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Posted: 2021-04-07 06:33:06

500 years from now MJs classic 'Black or White' could be remade to a more prevalent 'Brack or Whellow'.


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