[deleted] - which girls from teazers/mavericks are working gir
which girls from teazers/mavericks are working gir
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Does anyone know which girls are working girls from Teazers and any of the other stripclubs from cape town?If you've got their names and numbers that would be appreciated ,also their rates.
Johan200 - Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
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8 Nov 2004
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Teazers girls are a waste of time. Rather try Mavericks. They don't openly admit to being working girls and you would probably have to buy a few lap dances with a bunch of girls before you finally get one who is willing to negotiate to meet you after hours. expect anything from R2500 upwards per hour. in january this year I booked some time with a stunning Russian poppie, was about R4000 but it was well worth it.
[deleted] - Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
Less than 5 posts
Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

There goes our old big brag Johantjie again funny how "we" are so full of himself.
Chmok - Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
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19 Jun 2004
Posts to Date: 48
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Or, Derick, that "we" are maybe jealous hmm? Put it this way - ever tried what Johan advises above, assuming you've got the dough for it?
Hammering Johan seems a common sport here, but I have yet to see blatant lies or bad advice from him.
Brett_SA - Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
Re: which girls from teazers/mavericks are working
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2 Apr 2006
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Posted: 2006-10-31 22:49:59

Norty, the rules of the game are somewhat different when it comes to strippers and masseuses. Few strippers are straight working girls. I'll tell you what I know and experienced myself. What I am going to say does not pertain to Teazers girls specifically, but strippers in general.

Only some of them @!#$ for money, my guess is about 30 - 50%
Strippers are selective about who they are prepared to @!#$. If they dont like you they dont @!#$ you, period.
You have to build up a position of trust with a girl. This reuires a lot of visits to the strip club.
She would require a fair amount of discretion in most cases.
Once you are sure you have a situation of trust, you can ask her if she is prepared to do a private show. Some would agree to a one on one situation but most would want it to be a special situation like a birthday party or bachelor party. Once you have her at your home, you can negotiate further, but be careful to read the situation correctly. It is important not to negotiate for a @!#$ inside the strip club, because you could get thrown out, I witnessed that once. This could happen even if you know the girl fucks, because its against the rules in most clubs and most girls are careful about reputation etc.

Below are two variations on the theme as far as modus operandi is concerned:

1 Some prefer to work in a private circle of friends and would give each memeber of the group a @!#$ on the following basis: He who organises the private show event gets the @!#$. If you want a @!#$ then you would have to organise the next event, you have to screen all the attendees and give the girl the satisfaction that all are discreet and would not talk around too much. For this reason many girls would prefer married men in the group, and some would let you explain the background of all attendees.

2. Others use much the same method but reserve the right to decide who gets the @!#$. After doing the show the girl would select one lucky prize winner and negotiate further with him. It could happen at the event or at an agreed venue. One very well known and popular girl had the habit of handing each guy a naughty gift after the show, with an indication of who the lucky prize winner is inside the gift package - with her private no of course. With this method it is possible that only a select few would know that she arranged to @!#$ someone from the group - some attendees would not even know what happened.

Costs could be anything from R600 to R8000. One girl I know did a guy for R8000 a full night and another for just R600 because she liked him. Some got it for free....

I am not going to give you names, because even if I give you a name and a number, you will not be successful in most cases unless you know the girl well or a friend who knows her very well recommends you.

Is that worth all the trouble? I guess no, because it costs a lot of money with no guarantee. Its really only wothwhile for those who hang out in strip clubs all the time anyway.


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