[deleted] - Nicky | Rivonia
Nicky | Rivonia
Less than 10 posts
Posted: 2011-04-30 19:05:25

Been wanting to visit this lady for quite some time and reading the comments about her certainly justified the need.

So earlier this afternoon I call her up and ask the usuals. She sounds nice and friendly so I make an appointment for 30 minutes later. She confirms and says I should call when in nearby for the exact address. No problem.

Make my way to the given area and call her up. No reply. Shit - she must be busy getting into some sexy lingerie for me - call back. I call back. Still no response.

At this point the boner starts panicking so I call back again and again and again. And still no reply. It just rings then goes to voice mail.

After 10 Earth minutes pass by (that's the equivalent of 3 punter years) without response I decide to pack it up and head on home. But just for shits I call her back about 30 minutes after my first attempt.

She answers. I explain to her that I called when I was in the vicinity and she apologizes saying that she was on another call.

Not saying I don't believe her but at that point I was pretty peeved so I left it at that.

Would still like to see her though.

Nicky, if you're reading this... GAAAAH... was really looking forward to meeting you.


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